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Six places in Madrid where you can go without a mask – idealista / news

The first thing we must say is that we are not encouraging the public not to wear the mask, far from it. In fact, we take it for granted that every time you go out on the street you wear it, and that, until the Government communicates the opposite (and take it easy, because it looks like it will be the ‘outfit’ of the year).

Now, hto and certain places in Madrid, even located in the center, in which we have done the test without endangering anyone or putting ourselves in danger: at certain times of the day there is very little influx of public and that means that you can take off your mask to breathe freely.

Because before we used to go down the street without our mouths covered and it didn’t seem like a remarkable event, did it? And yet now, when we can take off our masks, it is like a breath of fresh air and never better said with the summer heat that is raging.

So, if at the moment you cannot go on vacation to the town, the beach or any other place, and you have to continue in the city, we are going to give you some directions, also cool, where you can breathe more comfortably. Take good note:

  • Lake of Casa de Campo: if you go there during the week, in a strip from 13 to 18 hours, for example, you will see that the sides of the lake are the ideal place to lie down to take a nap in the shade, sunbathe or simply have a picnic . We repeat: during the week and better, avoid the hours of the late afternoon if you want to take off your mask for a while.
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  • Royal Botanical Garden: an orchard in the heatwave of the center of Madrid, that is what this garden means in which you will not realize that you are in the center of the city. Walks, trees, flowers, fruit trees, a greenhouse … and shade and freshness in summer! In addition, on business days its public influx is less, so you will not find anyone on the avenues and you can afford the license to remove your mask. Of course, to visit the photo exhibition of Chema Madoz, enter the store or the cafeteria you will have to wear it.
  • Watercress Fountain: This beautiful park located next to the bullring of Ventas and next to the M-30 is an oasis of peace during the week. If you avoid the first hours of the day (many people doing sports) or those in the afternoon, that is, on the same strip as the previous one, you will find places where there will be no soul. Surrounded by nature (even ducks) and without hearing the noise of the cars, even if they are nearby.

  • Quinta de los Molinos: further from the center, it is known above all for its blossoming almond trees. During the week it is not usual that there are many people. In addition, its surface favors that you do not meet a soul.
  • And point out a couple more directions: if you fancy a cool place to eat, here are two options. Arturo Soria street opens its doors The Garden of Alma, a great terrace also in the city where you can enjoy the cool and good food. In addition, with its limited capacity you will not run any type of risk for the coronavirus. If you are already far from the capital, another magnificent option is the terrace of The Ice Factory, in the town of Los Molinos. A wonderful garden in which you will not have security distance problems considering its extension. In addition, at the bottom of it there are ducks, geese and even pigs, a special attraction if you go with children.

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