SOCIAL. During the community council held on Monday, March 20, elected officials focused on the progress of the city contract. According to the report, carried out by Virginia Clausse, six new socio-educational projects have integrated the system.
After a most eventful prelude, led by the inter-union, the elected officials began a new session of the council of the Agglomeration of Saint-Dizier, Der and Blaise, Monday March 20, at the Cœur de ville space (read our edition of March 21). 31 points were on the agenda. Among them, the distribution of the financing of the actions that will be carried out in the coming months within the framework of the city contract. With a budget amounting to 520,000 euros, financed equally between the State and the Agglomeration of Saint-Dizier, Der and Blaise, the technical committee and the steering committee of the system have chosen to support 36 of the 49 projects who responded to the call launched between October 12 and November 4, 2022.
A week dedicated to urban cultures
Six of them, mainly aimed at young people, are benefiting from this financial support for the first time: “I am young and I am committed to my territory” and “The school of champions” (the final of which will take place in Terres Bragardes next fall) supported by the socio-cultural centre; “Giving the voice”, “An educational course at school” and “Projection and educational filming”, supervised by the company au coin de l’ébène; but also “Renaissance, urban cultures”.
Created on the initiative of the Grand-Lachat neighborhood association, the latter will consist of setting up, for a week around mid-July, graffiti, dance and music workshops, led by local artists. “It’s an event that hasn’t existed for years”, explain the members of the association. “Not much is happening in our neighborhood unfortunately. And we thought why not do this animation so that people come”. Enough to revitalize the life of this district and encourage future vocations among the participants.
City contract: Quésaco?
Officially established in 2015, the city contract is a system aimed at supporting priority neighborhoods throughout France. It was in June of that same year that the Agglomeration and its partners concluded this contract built around three pillars: social cohesion, the living environment and urban renewal, economic development and employment. Among the Bragard neighborhoods in difficulty, only that of Vert-Bois was selected for the application of the system. Nevertheless, the Agglomeration wanted to integrate into this city contract some actions carried out in the “watch districts” of Grand-Lachat and Clos-Mortier. This year, the issues identified by the community are “the fight against precariousness, the opening up of prospects for the inhabitants and the fight against all forms of discrimination”.
Dominique Lemoine