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Six new credit lines available to coffee growers

  • Renovation of coffee plantations, investment in machinery and equipment, and planting of corn and beans are some activities that will help finance this joint program, for the benefit of the producers.
  • One of the great novelties of this alliance is that rural youth and women, victims of armed conflict and displaced persons can also benefit from the preferential rates set by Finagro. The alliance will run until 2027.

Bogotá, October 20, 2021 (FNC Press) – In response to the concerns and suggestions of the coffee growers themselves, the National Federation of Coffee Growers (FNC) and the Banco Agrario de Colombia expanded their inter-institutional agreement to offer them six new lines of credit at preferential rates.

Renovation of coffee plantations, investment in machinery and equipment, and planting of corn and beans are some activities that will help finance this joint program, for the benefit of the producers.

With validity until 2027 and depending on the availability of resources, small, medium and large producers active in the Coffee Information System (Sica) can access this new loan portfolio.

One of the novelties of this alliance is that young people and rural women, victims of armed conflict and displaced persons can obtain special rates, set by the Fund for the Financing of the Agricultural Sector (Finagro).

Amounts, terms and other conditions

This line will have an amount of up to $ 10,400,000 per hectare, for a term of 84 months and a grace period of up to 24 months. The payment to the principal will be annual and the payment of interests, semiannual in arrears.

  • Coffee renewal by planting

In this type of credit, the amount is up to $ 12,400,000 per hectare, with a maximum financing of 20% of the total area in coffee and a maximum term of up to 84 months; It will have a grace period of up to 24 months and the payment to the principal will be annual and interest, semi-annually due.

The amount in this line is up to 100% of the investment, with a term of up to 60 months and a grace period of up to 12 months. The payment to the principal will be annual and the interest payment, semiannual, due.

For the sowing of white corn, the amount is up to $ 5,600,000 per hectare, with term and payment to the principal and payment of interest at maturity.

In this line the amount is up to $ 4,400,000 per hectare, with term and payment to the principal and payment of interest at maturity.

In this type of credit, the amount is up to $ 4,400,000 per hectare, with a term and payment to the principal and payment of interest upon maturity.

The other bankable activities such as coffee maintenance, construction of mills and renovation of coffee by planting and zoca that are part of this agreement between the FNC and the Agrarian Bank remain in force.

Each credit line has a suggested amount that depends on the indebtedness of each producer, their income and hectares planted in coffee. The interest rates will be those in force at the time of disbursement under the conditions of Finagro and the national government relief programs.

Producers interested in these credits can consult the Extension Service of their municipality, which is able to guide and support them so that they can apply for these benefits.

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