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Six Hawking Theories That Remain Unproven and Distinctive

CNN Indonesia

Thursday, 16 Mar 2023 07:07 WIB

Physicist Stephen Hawking spawned various scientific hypotheses that have not been proven real. (AFP PHOTO / Anthony WALLACE)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Stephen Hawkingthe most brilliant physicist of his time, had released several theory which has not been scientifically proven so far. Check out the details here.

Not only genius physics in the classroom. He, who died at the age of 76 on March 14, 2018, was a popular writer who was good at conveying the complexity of the universe’s mechanisms in a simple way to the public.

His first book, ‘A Brief History of Time’, which was first published in 1988, became an international bestseller and successfully explained the birth and death of the universe to the common man.

Hawking went on to write other nonfiction books aimed at non-scientists. These include ‘A Briefer History of Time’, ‘The Universe in a Nutshell’, ‘The Grand Design’, and ‘On the Shoulders of Giants’.

At the same time, he developed motor neurone disease, better known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which left him paralyzed.

“Although I am very disabled, I am successful in my scientific work,” Hawking wrote on Facebook in November 2014.

Although a number of his ideas that transcended his time have been scientifically proven successful, such as the Big Bang and Black Holes, some of his statements still need a long way to prove.

The following is a list of scientific statements that have not been proven true:


One of the most frequently asked questions in the creation of the universe is “what happened before the Big Bang?”

Hawking looked at the question as meaningless. According to him, time itself – as well as the universe and everything in it – started with the Big Bang.

“To me, this means there is no possibility of a creator,” he said, quoted from LiveScience“because there was no time for the Creator to exist.”

Hawking, who claims to be an atheist, has stated this on many occasions throughout his life. His theory almost certainly falls into the “never gets solved one way or another” category.

Other physicists assess, in the context of God before the Big Bang, it is not proven to have existed [teori] Scientific doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Ancient black hole

Black holes are created from the gravitational collapse of pre-existing matter such as stars. But it’s also possible that something was created spontaneously in the early universe, immediately after the Big Bang.

Hawking was the first to explore in depth the theory behind primordial black holes. It turns out that they can have any mass, from very light to very heavy.

One interesting possibility that Hawking is considering is that primordial black holes may be the mysterious dark matter that astronomers believe is permeating the universe.

However, current observational evidence suggests this is unlikely. But there are currently no observational tools to detect primordial black holes or to say whether they make dark matter.

Information paradox

Black holes get this name because they have such strong gravity that not even a photon or light particle can escape from them.

By applying quantum theory, specifically the idea of ​​”virtual photon pairs”, Hawking realized that some of these photons would appear to emit from black holes.

The method, known as Hawking radiation, was confirmed in laboratory experiments at Israel’s Technion Institute of Technology.

Hawking then wrestled with the question of what happened to the material sucked up by the Black Hole. The radiation escaping from the ‘space grave’ tells us nothing about its contents.

This is the so-called information paradox that scientists have been trying to solve for decades.

Hawking’s own views on the mystery were published in 2016. He said the objects being sucked up didn’t actually disappear.

These are stored in a cloud of zero-energy particles surrounding the black hole, which he dubbed “fluffy hairs.” However, until now none of the experts who successfully prove it.


The multiverse theory contains the idea that our universe, which started from the Big Bang, is just one of an infinite number of coexisting ‘bubble’ universes.

In his final 2018 paper, Hawking attempted to “try to tame the multiverse”. He proposed a new mathematical framework that did not remove the potential existence of a multiverse altogether, but made it finite instead of infinite as before.

As with any speculation about parallel universes, it’s not yet known whether the theory is correct, and it seems unlikely that scientists will be able to test the idea any time soon.

This theory only becomes ‘real’ in the context of cinematography. For example, Everything Everywhere All at Once and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Doomsday way

In the last years of his life, Hawking made a series of gloomy predictions about the future of humanity that could be seriously triggered.

It all started with the suggestion that the elusive Higgs boson, or ‘God particle’ could trigger a vacuum bubble that would devour the universe to alien invasions and artificial intelligence (AI) takeovers.

Although some things are already giving symptoms, such as AI that is increasingly sophisticated, other things are still far from real. Aliens, for example, which are also not detected even at the signal level.

time travel

The laws of physics do not prohibit time travel. The solution to Einstein’s equations of general relativity includes a “closed time-like curve”, which will effectively allow you to travel back in time.

Hawking is troubled by this, as he feels that traveling backwards in time creates logical paradoxes that shouldn’t be possible.

So he suggests that some currently unknown law of physics prevents closed time-like curves from occurring – what he calls the “Chronology Protection Conjecture”.

However, “conjecture” is just scientific language for “guessing”, and we really don’t know whether or not time travel is possible.


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