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Six blood drives in 2022

At the general meeting of the Association of voluntary blood donors of Montmarault and its region, it was announced that the French Blood Establishment had planned six collections in 2022. And the he premiere will take place on Tuesday February 22, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the Espace Claude-Capdevielle.

“Blood reserves are low, so it is urgent to mobilize to help treat patients,” insisted President Nadine Boulicaud. She also recalled that i It is best to register on mon-rdv-dondesang.efs.sante.fr or call

Previously, in presence of active members and elected officials from the municipalities supporting the association, including Didier Lindron, the mayor of Montmarault, the moral assessment of the year 2021 had made it possible to return to the seven collections organized.

Thirty-five people reached out for the first time

No less than 487 bags of blood were collected, the average number of donations per collection being seventy. And thirty-five people reached out for the first time.

Nadine Boulicaud thanked the municipalities that subsidize the Amicale, in particular that of Montmarault “for the provision of the Espace Claude-Capdevielle and the installation of banners at the entrances to the city”. The volunteers were also thanked “for their help and support during each collection”.

The positive financial report for the past year was presented by the treasurer Véronique Avignon.


Composition. Didier Lindron, honorary president, Nadine Boulicaud, president, Marine Valette, vice-president in charge of communication, Isabelle Giraud, secretary, Véronique Avignon, treasurer, Jean-Louis Auroux, assistant treasurer.

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