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Sitting is the New Smoking: Study Shows Risk of Premature Death from Occupational Sitting

Researchers in Taiwan have uncovered evidence supporting the controversial idea that “sitting is the new smoking.”

In a new study, which looked at the health outcomes of nearly 500,000 people over 20 years, scientists found that those who spent long periods sitting at work were 16 percent more likely to die prematurely, compared to those who did not.

It has also been shown that sitting for long periods of time at work increases a person’s risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 34 percent.

People who alternated between sitting and not sitting at work did not face an increased risk of death.

Those who lived a sedentary working life but also exercised during their free time showed a lower risk of death.

The increased risk of death and heart disease can be compensated for by doing vigorous exercise for 15 to 30 minutes daily.

The study results suggest that the risks associated with prolonged occupational sitting can be mitigated by participating in additional physical activity.

Lead author Dr Wayne Gao from Taipei Medical University, Taiwan, said: “As part of modern lifestyles, occupational sitting for long periods is considered normal and has not received due attention, despite its detrimental effect on health being proven.”

Sitting for long periods also increases the risk of obesity as fewer calories are burned, which leads to diabetes and decreased kidney function, in addition to heart problems.

2024-01-23 06:18:11

#Sitting #long #time #working…is #risk #equivalent #smoking

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