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Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko. A President of the AJU throwing to the nettles the statutes of this continental sports entity


Siteny Thierry Randrianasoloniaiko, born in Toliara on July 27, 1972, is the current president of the African Judo Union (UAJ), elected on May 18, 2021 in Dakar, Senegal, for a four-year term. As such, he is also vice-president of the International Judo Federation (FIJ) but also a deputy for Madagascar.

Strengthened by this position, he pretends to forget the statutes of this sporting entity on the African continent, really taking his compatriots from the regions of Madagascar for lame ducks, through a “Mihava Tour” which proves that ridicule no longer kills these days…

Already, by criticizing the current Malagasy regime, he is spitting squarely in the soup, since he is part of this regime. Indeed, elected deputy of Madagascar under the IRD banner of President Andry Rajoelina that he deals with everything that pleases him, he is indeed part of the legislative power, one of the three pillars defined by the Constitution of Madagascar, with the executive power and judiciary power.

One thing is certain: he will be a candidate for the presidential election of this year 2023. He confirmed it during an interview for “La Tribune Afrique” of which here are excerpts below:

But his cookie-cutter formulas will not take him very far, especially if we take the time to look at the statutes of the AJU, of which here are excerpts free from any ambiguity, as regards respect for ethical principles universal fundamentals.



“Statutes” means all the provisions set out in this document, duly approved, as well as any addendum and/or appendix which may supplement, modify or replace this document, it being specified that the preamble forms an integral part thereof. These Statutes replace the previous statutes.
1.2. onths
The African Judo Union (hereinafter referred to instead of “AJU”) is made up of the National Federations of the African continent. The African Judo Union is a non-profit organization. The liability of the African Judo Union as a member is limited.

The AJU is one of the five Continental Unions which form the IJF. She is a member of the IJF and must respect the statutes, regulations and guidelines of the IJF.

The Continental African Judo Union brings together the National Federations of the African continent, unless exceptional dispensation is granted by the EC of the IJF.
The AJU being a member of the IJF, which itself is a member of the Olympic Movement, considers respect for universal fundamental ethical principles as the foundation of sport, judo and African Judo Union and Olympism.

Among these are:

1.2.1 Respect for the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding, the spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play;

1.2.2 Respect for the principle of universality and political neutrality of the AJU and the Olympic Movement;

1.2.3 Maintaining harmonious relations with public authorities while respecting the principle of autonomy as defined by the Olympic Charter;

1.2.4 Respect for international conventions for the protection of human rights insofar as they are applicable to the activities of the AJU and its members and which ensure in particular:

• safeguarding the dignity of the person;

the rejection of all forms of discriminationfor any reason, including but not limited to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or any other situation;

rejection of all forms of harassment and physical, professional or sexual abuse, and any practice detrimental to the physical or intellectual integrity of a person.

1.2.5 Safeguarding conditions of safety, well-being of participants and medical care favorable to their physical and moral balance (…).

And this is the reason for the title of this article: “A President of the AJU throwing the statutes of this continental sports entity to the nettles”

One thing is certain. We may accuse President Andry Rajoelina of being weak, and of all we want, at least he applies the image below.

SO? Insult, criticize, lie, invent whatever comes to mind: there will always be something left.

Jeannot RAMAMBAZAFY – 06.06.2023

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