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Sit down on the satirical case of Hasto PDIP with Emil Dardak


Secretary General (Secretary General) PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto offended the deputy governor of East Java Emil Dardak relating to communication. Emil Dardak replied to Hasto Kristiyanto. This is the case with Hasto’s satire of Emil Dardak.

It started when Hasto heard complaints from the East Java PDIP Regional Head at Surabaya Town Hall. Although he alluded to Emil Dardak, Hasto pointed out that his cadres’ communication with the governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, had no problems.

“Yes, these regional heads have told me, if it’s okay with Bu Khofifah, hurry up. With a representative (Vice Governor East Java), there are various cultural obstacles, I don’t know either. Then ask the PDIP regional head,” he called Hasto, Saturday (10/15/2022), reported by detik Jatim.


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Hasto raised the issue during a chat with the mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi, mayor of Batu Dewanti Rumpoko, regent of Ngawi Ony Anwar Harsono, deputy regent of Ngawi Dwi Rianto Jatmiko, regent of Ponorogo Sugiri Sancoko, deputy regent of Ponorogo Lisdyarita, regent by Nganjuk Marhaen Djumadi and members of the PDIP East Java DPRD faction.

“The relationship between the PDIP regional head and Mbak Khof (Khofifah) is good. How come the deputy is different,” Hasto told regional heads in response to their complaints.

Needs to he demanded that the PDIP regional head in East Java not hesitate to ask Khofifah for help as long as it is for the good of the community.

“Mbak Khof is nice to us, even nice people. Don’t be shy if you ask Mbak Khof for help, as long as it’s forever,” he added.

The Refutation of Emil Dardak

Emil Dardak denied that his relationship with the head of the PDIP was not good. East Java Democratic DPD chairman said he has good relations with all regional leaders.

“In fact, the communication with the PDIP regional head went well. What is clear is that he never informed me of the complaint,” said Emil.

Emil stressed that he did not discriminate between regional leaders. In fact, when he goes to the area, he always coordinates with the local regent or mayor.

“Even when I get input, complaints or aspirations from residents, directly or via social media, I often coordinate with the regent and the mayor or their deputy,” said Emil.

Emil Dardak admitted that he was ready to show that he always coordinated with the regional leaders of East Java. He then invited Needs to sit down together and see for yourself the coordination and communication so far with the regional heads of the PDIP.

“Please, respectfully, we are ready to sit down with Pak Hasto and invite him if you would like to see my coordination messages via WA with the regional head,” said Emil.

Baca here.

(gb / rfs)

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