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Sister Dandan MMA Fight at Yuen Long Market Sparks Controversy and Arrest

In early June last year, an “MMA” video from Yuen Long Bridge Market went viral on the Internet. In it, a female vegetable stall became the center of attention. She had a dispute with a male customer over the placement of foam plastic boxes in the aisle to block the street. Fighting each other in the corridor. During this period, the female vegetable vendor was pushed to the ground three times, and then she used her grappling hand to grab the man’s crotch with both hands and kept shouting “I’ll grab your X-bag”. She was eventually arrested on suspicion of fighting in a public place. The arrest aroused heated discussion throughout the city.

▼The fight between “Sister Dandan” and a male customer▼

The aisle of “Sister Dandan” is built with temporary food stalls and stacked with plastic boxes to hinder vegetable vendors from doing business.

Although the incident has come to an end, according to a report by “Dong Zhang+” yesterday (10th), the female vegetable vendor’s “street bully” behavior still continues. During the interview, Ms. Hu, a Chinese vegetable vendor, revealed that from 6 to 9 o’clock every night, ” “Sister Dandan” will use foam plastic boxes to set up a temporary vegetable stall in the middle of the aisle to sell vegetables, and set the stall in front of another vegetable stall, which not only greatly affects the other party’s business, but also blocks the public from passing through the stall. section.

In addition, “Sister Dandan” will park a trolley with multiple styrofoam boxes at the intersection and place it in front of other vegetable vendors’ stalls, thereby blocking them from doing business with a “high wall”. The vegetable vendor described it “So angry”, but everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out.

▼Screenshots from “Dongzhang+” video

“Sister Dandan” once jointly claimed that the four golden flowers turned against each other due to a relationship breakdown due to an incident

“Sister Dandan”‘s actions aroused dissatisfaction from many neighbors, but they were still unable to stop her “blocking the street”. She even learned that a film crew was filming her, and she became even more excited and shouted “Yeah” happily to the camera. However, according to reports, “Sister Dandan” used to have a harmonious relationship with other stall vendors. She was originally known as the “Four Golden Flowers” with three good sisters, but they fell out because of an incident and eventually turned against each other. ” “Sister Dandan” even used a temporary food stall to “retaliate” against her old sisters for blocking business.

What happened that caused everyone’s friendship to break up? A vegetable vendor who was once a “sister” said that because “Sister Dandan” often pushed a trolley around the market, she accidentally bumped into her friend who was looking at the stall. However, “Sister Dandan” did not admit that she had bumped into her, and she was injured. The other party apologized and even threatened the boss to fire her, which led to a bad relationship between everyone.It was reported that the person involved also left a message through a social platform group this morning (11th) to explain the cause and consequences.However, “Sister Dandan’s” behavior has not yet been resolved, causing market stall vendors to feel distressed.

▼Message from the parties▼

Netizens fight against market vegetable vendors

A large number of netizens paid attention to the incident and criticized “Sister Dandan” for her selfish behavior. “How bad is it? You can first stop paying the rent in the middle of the road, and then sell vegetables next to the food stall.” “Isn’t it fair to the nearby stall owners? People and land are really valuable “Pay the rent in silver”; most people were puzzled as to why no law enforcement officers came to deal with it. Some residents said that they had seen “the food ring sometimes sends people to the market but it won’t open, and once the food ring has finished work, it will be set out.” “The door is closed at one hour”, which attracted a large number of neighbors who bluntly said “it’s not easy to help” and called for a stop buying.

▼What netizens say▼

Source of information and pictures:EastZhang+Facebook@Hong Kong emergency reporting area and discussion area,Facebook @food in Yuen Long

2024-03-11 10:30:30
#Yuen #Long #Bridge #Market #Dandanjie #aisle #food #stall #blocks #vegetable #vendors #business #netizens #call #boycott

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