ph:dr: The second edition of the International Symposium on Robotics and Geospatial Analysis in Africa (SIRAGA FORUM)
The second edition of the International Symposium on Robotics and Geospatial Analysis in Africa (SIRAGA FORUM) was held from Tuesday May 29 to Wednesday May 30, 2023 at Sèmè One in Cotonou. It brought together, for two days, scientists, researchers, industrialists, senior national defense officials and other key strategic decision-makers.
The main objective of this edition co-organized by the School of Digital Professions (EMN) and Inspection Robotics (IROBOTICS) and under the sponsorship of Deputy Jean-Claude APITHY is to allow participants to create a framework for exchange and reflection on the future of the space and geospatial industry in Benin and prepare new training courses at the EMN on drone pilots, the maintenance of its equipment, the management of data resulting from their use for a good management of the spatial and geospatial space of Benin.
“The objectives set by the Government of Benin at the School of Digital Professions do not stop only at the level of fiber optic training. Among the professions on which the training curricula are being prepared, are the training of drone pilots, the maintenance of equipment, the management of data resulting from the use of drones. This symposium will allow us to be able to prepare these new training courses which will begin by the end of 2023”, informed the Director General of the EMN, Mr. Souleymane ISSIAKOU, at the opening of the work of this symposium.

an edition co-organized by the School of Digital Professions (EMN) and Inspection Robotics (IROBOTICS)
After having presented the situation of Benin in the field of space and geospatial industry, Mr. Adewale COLLE, President of the Scientific Committee of SIRAGA indicated that the aim of the SIRAGA forum is to make proposals to the State so that strong decisions are taken in the field. “Our wish is for Benin to have a space agency. All the countries that have embarked on this activity are today economic leaders. It would be important not only to take out subscriptions to have data on agriculture, or on our borders, but we must be able to own this data ourselves. This will require setting up a training program capable of responding to the real challenges of this situation. That’s what we’re thinking about,” he added.
“Benin has enormous potential in the space and geospatial field,” said MP Jean-Claude APITHY. But, he pointed out that to fully exploit these assets available to the country, it is imperative to explore new technological frontiers and integrate spatial and geospatial data in the decision-making process. And Jean-Claude APITHY to remain confident: “I am convinced that this International Symposium on Robotics and Geospatial Analysis in Africa will mark the beginning of a new era in the space and geospatial industry in Benin. Together, we can harness the infinite potential of space for the good of our country and our continent.”