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Šipkař Zlej Kája punished the mistakes of the favorite and celebrates a great entry into the well-known tournament

archive of Karel Sedláček

He is well acquainted with the Polish rival, who is five in the Players Championship Finals. Despite the negative balance, he tried to go into the fight confident. “I thought that if I showed my game, I wouldn’t make mistakes and I would conclude that I could win,” he painted ahead, what a match played in Coventry, England, might look like.

The reality was different and different. Evil Kája did not succeed in entering the match. “At times it was a blanket for me, the match was too hard. Krzysztof had great throws, fortunately he didn’t close, it sent me into the game and I closed it with luck, “he breathed.

The Czech darts Karel Sedláček lost to the world number one from the Netherlands, Van Gerwen.

facebook by Karel Sedláček, Facebook

An experienced Czech fighter knows well that sometimes one does not have to play extra top darts to play with an average of one hundred plus and still win. “I am very happy, I hope to confirm it in the next match and improve it even more. I know I have something to improve, “he admitted sportily.

The Pole was understandably disappointed after losing the battle. “He thanked me for the game, he congratulated me,” said Sedláček. He knew well that his opponent was closer to success. “When I lost 1: 3, I knew I needed some legions and get into the match. problem, but he gave me space to return to the match. I really appreciate that it turned out like this, “Sedláček returned in a commentary on the course of the match.

“It was a huge strain on the psyche, I’ve known him for many years, he’s extremely good. But he was also a little scared of me, he wanted to end the match quickly, but he didn’t succeed. Fortunately, “said the Czech darts player.” I’m really very happy. Now I have to focus on the next match, it’s open and I just hope to perform better, “he added.

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