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Sinovac vaccine neutralization declines from the sixth month, confirms Chilean Phase III study

In three out of four vaccinated with Sinovac Neutralizing antibodies were found six months after the immunization was completed, the report says.

It should be remembered that in Uruguay 69% of the doses administered are of this vaccine.

However, the primary warnings about the Chinese vaccine were verified: from 6 months the defenses against Covid-19 tend to disappear.

This is more important when people face any of the new variants of COVID-19, which supports the hypothesis that Uruguay and other countries in the world use about the need for a vaccine booster.

The Chilean study shows that two weeks after the second dose, or what is the same from day 42 after the first dose, the highest levels of antibodies are detected. These continue in “high” ranges for a few weeks and then begin to fall. After 180 days of the first dose (or 152 days of the second), the level of antibodies found among the volunteers is seven times lower than the point of highest performance.

The vaccine from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac – or Coronavac, its brand – works for any of the mutations of the virus so far found in Uruguay.

Anyway, the neutralization declines in the variants like Alpha, Delta or P1. In the case of Delta, the serum of the vaccinated is ten times less potent than with the original strain.

The Chilean professor of Immunology Gualberto González said that before determining if the third dose is necessary, two types of evidence must be reached: how the neutralizing antibodies that are located in the blood evolve and how the vaccine behaves in the field.

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