Home » today » World » [Sino-US Wrestling]Xinhua News Agency issued four comments in a row, saying that the Biden government must not be four-Hong Kong Economic Times-China Channel-National Conditions

[Sino-US Wrestling]Xinhua News Agency issued four comments in a row, saying that the Biden government must not be four-Hong Kong Economic Times-China Channel-National Conditions

The new US administration of Biden came to power, and the overall pattern of Sino-US competition remains unchanged. The Biden administration continued to be tough on China while demonstrating its willingness to cooperate on some issues, but its specific strategy for China is still in the making. Xinhua News Agency recently published four commentary articles in a row, calling for the Biden administration of the United States to correctly grasp the course of Sino-US relations. The four comments of Xinhua News Agency stated that the overall situation of Sino-US relations cannot be destroyed, the bridge of mutual understanding cannot be dismantled, the momentum of economic and trade exchanges cannot be blocked, and the road of scientific and technological exchanges cannot be cut off.

The first commentary “The overall situation of China-US relations cannot be destroyed”He pointed out that since the new US government took office, it has become the common voice of many insightful people in the world to expect Sino-US relations to return to the right track. When looking at Sino-US relations, we must look at the overall situation, and we should not just focus on the differences between the two countries. As the saying goes, “the big one can also take the small.” Cooperation between China and the United States will benefit both, while fighting will hurt both.

The article stated that the overall situation of Sino-US relations cannot be destroyed because there is no future for conflict and confrontation, because the general trend of history is unstoppable, and because the challenges of the times call for common responsibility. To treat China as a major strategic competitor or even an opponent is a historical, directional, and strategic mistake. The fundamental goal of China’s development is to enable the Chinese people to live a better life and make greater contributions to regional and world peace, stability, development and prosperity. There can be healthy and fair competition between China and the United States, but we must guard against the dangerous situation of conflict and confrontation and loss of both sides.

The article mentioned that China and the United States joined hands in anti-terrorism in 2001, jointly responded to the international financial crisis in 2008, jointly blocked the Ebola virus in 2014, and promoted the conclusion of the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2016. Practice has proved that Sino-US cooperation can accomplish many major events that benefit both countries and the world. At present, from responding to the new crown epidemic to stabilizing the economy, from responding to climate change to maintaining digital security, it is impossible for any country to resolve the crisis on its own. In an era of tremendous change, whether the giant ship of Sino-US relations can maintain the correct course is not only closely related to the interests of the two peoples, but also related to the future and destiny of the world.

The article quotes the words of British writer Shakespeare: “It is not the constellation that controls our destiny, but we ourselves.” The direction of Sino-US relations depends on our vision and choices. It’s time for the United States to show its political foresight, meet China halfway, and make a crucial choice worthy of the times.

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The second review “The bridge of interpersonal communication cannot be broken down”Said that this year marks the 50th anniversary of China-US “ping-pong diplomacy.” The “soft figure” of people-to-people exchanges has played an irreplaceable “lubricant” role, bringing tangible benefits to the people of the two countries.

The article pointed out that in 2017, the two countries exchanged more than 5.3 million people, the total number of Chinese students studying in the United States exceeded 400,000, and the number of American students studying in China increased to 20,000. U.S. data show that Chinese students studying in the U.S. account for one-third of the total number of students studying in the U.S. and contribute more than $15 billion to the U.S. each year.

The commentary stated that “the friendship between nations lies in the closeness of the people,” and the relationship between nations is, in the final analysis, the relationship between the people. Extensive and in-depth cultural exchanges and communication are the best way to achieve mutual understanding and avoid conflict. The National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and other U.S. institutions and groups, as well as people from all walks of life, continue to voice their rational voices against U.S.-China confrontation and support for U.S.-China cooperation by publishing joint letters, writing articles, and holding video exchange seminars. Fu Gaoyi, a well-known China expert at Harvard University, pointed out that the so-called “decoupling” of cultural exchanges between the United States and China is impossible. Those who advocate “decoupling” of cultural exchanges are in the minority.

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The third commentary “The trend of economic and trade exchanges cannot be blocked”It is pointed out that in 2020, Sino-US relations have experienced the most severe situation in the more than 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, but Sino-US economic and trade cooperation has grown against the trend, and the annual increase in trade in goods has exceeded 8%. The previous U.S. government promoted the reduction of investment in China, but U.S. investors’ holdings of Chinese securities have been high in recent years; the previous U.S. government’s policies brought greater risks to the financial flow between the United States and China, but did not affect the market’s relationship between the two countries. Expectations for greater financial integration between countries.

The article said that in the past 40 years, the bilateral trade volume has increased by more than 250 times compared with the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and the two-way investment has risen from almost zero to nearly 240 billion US dollars. The essence of China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win results. The two countries have different resource endowments and their economies are highly complementary. China’s rapid development not only benefits from open cooperation with the United States and other countries, but also provides the United States and other countries with continuous growth momentum and huge market space. Sino-US economic and trade cooperation supports more than 2.6 million jobs in the United States, and the trade between the two countries saves about US$850 in living costs for every American family every year. American companies have invested more than 70,000 companies in China, with annual sales of 700 billion US dollars.

The article said that the trade war has not changed the situation of the highly integrated and interconnected Sino-US economies. In 2020, Sino-US trade in goods will increase against the trend, and US companies such as ExxonMobil, Tesla, and Wal-Mart will expand their investment in China. In the financial sector, the number of Chinese companies going public in the United States has increased significantly, while Wall Street continues to expand its business in China, and Fitch Ratings Corporation of the United States has been allowed to enter the Chinese market. The US-China Business Council report shows that 91% of the interviewed US companies said they remained profitable in the Chinese market last year, and 87% said they would not leave China.

The commentary stated that as the two largest economies in the world, Sino-US cooperation not only carries the well-being of the two peoples, but also concerns the interests of the people of the world. China is willing to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination with the United States, and cooperate on safeguarding the security of global industrial chains and supply chains, and maintaining global economic and financial stability, so as to boost economic growth in both countries and the world. The current Sino-US relations are at a new crossroads. Economic and trade cooperation is still the stabilizer and ballast stone of Sino-US relations. Pushing Sino-US relations back on track is the only wise choice for both countries.

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The fourth commentary “The road to scientific and technological exchanges cannot be broken”According to the statement, China and the United States have become indispensable partners in scientific research for more than 40 years, from sporadic communication to comprehensive, multi-level and wide-ranging cooperation. Statistics from the National Science Foundation of the United States show that China and the United States are each other’s largest international co-authored papers, and their mutual dependence far exceeds any other country. Numerous cooperation projects such as the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment, Electron Electron Collider, and Nuclear Fusion have made the two countries mutually beneficial and win-win. The scientific research results jointly participated in by China and the United States in the fields of genome research, quantum computing, and space science have made the world share well-being.

The article pointed out that Sino-US scientific and technological exchanges have long formed an unstoppable prairie situation. From hardware to software, from basic science to application research and development, the scientific and technological development of the two countries has long been you and me, and we are constantly optimizing and consolidating in the integration of each other. The Marco Polo Think Tank under the Paulson Institute of the United States released a report last year showing that nearly one-third of the researchers in American research institutions have a Chinese education background. The United States can achieve a global leadership in the field of artificial intelligence and has a close relationship with talents from China.

The article stated that for the world, Sino-US science and technology exchanges and cooperation are even more “global wins.” As the largest developing country and the largest developed country, the achievements of China-US scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation provide solutions to global issues such as climate, environment, ecology, energy, and disease, and continue to have a profound impact on the stable development of the world. Destroying the existing scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States will disrupt the benign feedback and circulation mechanism of the scientific and technological cooperation ecology and supply chain established over decades; in the face of imminent human crises such as climate change and the new crown epidemic, it will effectively promote the response to the international community The mechanism adds obstacles.

Finally, the article points out that in an increasingly diverse world, technological bullying is tantamount to the evil path of racism; in an increasingly interconnected world, technological containment is equivalent to the crooked path of the isolated. To maintain and enhance the well-being of the two countries and the people of the world, we should complement each other’s strengths instead of decoupling; we should integrate with each other instead of isolating each other; we should cooperate for a win-win situation, not conflict and confrontation. Obviously, Sino-US science and technology exchanges and cooperation are the general trend and the will of the people, and they cannot and will never cease.

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Editor in charge: Lian Zhaofeng

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