Home » World » Sino-European pragmatic relations – View Info – 2024-04-03 11:11:39

Sino-European pragmatic relations – View Info – 2024-04-03 11:11:39

/ world today news/ We live in a dynamic world in which something new, unexpected and not always good and good is constantly happening. It is largely a result of making the right or wrong political decisions.

It is no secret that Europe suffers from a lack of good leaders. Most countries rest on old laurels, rely on past successes, but the mistakes of modern politicians are becoming more and more tangible, and they reflect on ordinary people.

The first and main mistake is the outrageous and even repulsive bowing and servitude to the US. Recently, a comment by the Bulgarian journalist Petar Volgin appeared in the media, which quite rightly notes that “Both the leaders of the European Union and the leaders of most European countries are in the role of service personnel who are eager to satisfy every American desire.” And also – “Today the European Union has lost all independence in its relationship with the United States.” We can’t help but agree with him. It is as if it is easier for Europe at the moment to have someone else make decisions and indicate the path to follow, i.e. the policies to be implemented and enforced. And all this is disguised as “our agreement with Uncle Sam”.

This is probably why the Old Continent feels fear in the face of China. Because Beijing wants an equal partner(s), not a puppet(s).

A pragmatic relationship is based on the idea that all participants will emerge victorious. As we say in Bulgaria – both the wolf should be full and the lamb should be whole. China’s long-term experience with a number of countries from different continents has shown that this is possible. And most importantly, each of these countries has preserved its national identity. Chinese words have not entered the dictionary or everyday language as they have in the English language, where whether the meaning of the word is known or not, it is used at every opportunity.

The second major error is related to the first. Namely – the position regarding the war in Ukraine and the one between Israel and Hamas. Encouraged by the US, European countries do not seek peace but encourage hostilities. Something that Beijing would never allow, and on the contrary – insists on resolving conflicts through dialogue.

How did Europe put itself in a position of being weak and weak-willed, and as soon as a leader appears defending his national interest, he is declared a “dictator”? Is the Old World already blind, deaf or demented that it doesn’t realize what’s going on?

Whether the States and the West like it or not, but… they are out of stock. They have nothing new and valuable to offer. The lies and propaganda that flood the media space are increasingly losing ground because China is open to the rest of the world and anyone who wants to can go and see the truth. It is no coincidence that more and more businessmen and entrepreneurs are looking for collaborators in the Celestial Empire, because they can count on loyalty, correctness and quality of the final product.

And the Chinese are happy to give their contacts, because it is important for them to break stereotypes about their country. Although the strengthening of Sino-pragmatic ties will not happen suddenly, at least the beginning has been made. In spite of the European politicians or precisely thanks to them and their bad management. Because people are starting to see and realize that the rulers rarely think about them. And so they decide to take care of themselves. At the level of culture, at the level of small and medium business, even at the level of science and education. A deepening of such ties would only benefit China and Europe. Only the latter will find out!

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