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Single Zes tax credit for agriculture, communication model approved

Green light to the model “Communication for the use of the tax credit for investments in the single SEZ in favor of companies active in the sector of primary production of agricultural products and companies active in the forestry sector and in the fishing and aquaculture sector” which have made investments from 16 May to 15 November 2024. Il measure of the director of the Agency on 18 November 2024 approves the modelle relative instructions and also defines the content and methods of transmission. The relief was provided for by article 16-bis of legislative decree no. 124 of 19 September 2023, converted, with amendments, by law no. 162 of 13 November 2023.

The tax credit, to be used as compensation, is therefore intended for companies active in the primary production of agricultural products and in the forestry sector, micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the fishing and aquaculture sector. Aspiring beneficiaries, or a designated person, will have to send the form, electronically, from 20 November 2024 until 17 January 2025, via the Revenue Agency’s electronic channels. During this time window it is possible to send a new communication to replace the previous one or waive the credit indicated in the last valid communication sent.

Please note that the model concerns investments made from 16 May 2024 to 15 November 2024 in the single special SEZ, more precisely “intended for production structures located in the assisted areas of the Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily Regions, eligible for the exemption provided for by the art. 107 § 3 letter a) of the TFEU and in the assisted areas of the Abruzzo Region, eligible for the derogation provided for by art. 107 § 3 letter c) of the TFEU, as identified by the Regional Aid Charter for Italy 2022-2027”.

The provision specifies that access to credit is also subject to the presentation of a certification attesting the correspondence of the indicated expenses and the related accounting documentation. The certification is issued by the person in charge of the statutory audit of the accounts. For companies not required by law to carry out a statutory audit of accounts, the certification is issued by a statutory auditor or by a statutory auditing company.

For the automated control of the existence of the requirements required by the legislation (actual realization of the investment and issuing of the appropriate certification), the data of the electronic invoices received and the details of the certification must also be indicated in the communication.

In detail, the model must contain information relating to the investment project and the tax credit (panel A), the data of the production structure (panel B), the list of subjects subjected to anti-mafia checks (panel C), any further benefits granted or requested, including aid de minimis (panel D), the details of the electronic invoices received and the related certification (panel E).

The electronic transmission of the communication is carried out using exclusively the software called “ZESUNICAAGRICOLA”, available free of charge on the Revenue Agency’s website.

The provision specifies that the system provides for the rejection of the communication in the following cases:

  • lack of an active VAT number by the applicant
  • details of the electronic invoices indicated in section E do not correspond to the data acquired in the Agency’s database
  • the activity code (Ateco 2007 update 2022) and the cadastral code of the municipality referring to each production structure, indicated in panel B, different from those communicated for the start of activity (article 35 Presidential Decree 633/1972).

In the five days following the presentation of the communication, a receipt will be issued certifying the acceptance or rejection, with an indication of the related reasons. Communications transmitted on 17 January 2025 and in the four previous days but rejected by the electronic service will be considered valid, provided they are retransmitted within the five calendar days following this deadline. Until 17 January 2025 it will also be possible to send a replacement communication or completely waive the tax credit requested with a previous application.

Companies will be able to use the bonus due starting from the working day following the publication of the provision which makes known the usable percentage, in compliance with the spending limit set at 40 million euros for 2024 (article 16-bisparagraph 1, of Legislative Decree 124/2023).

The instructions for completing the F24 form will be made known with a soon-to-be-issued resolution.

detail photograph

Funds be distributed among eligible applicants, ​and‌ what criteria will determine priority in funding allocation?

1. Section​ 1: Introduction and‌ Overview of the Tax Credit Scheme

– ⁤Guest 1: Can you provide an ⁣overview ‍of the newly ⁣introduced tax credit‌ scheme for companies involved in​ primary production ​of ⁢agricultural products and the ⁤forestry sector, as well as micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the ​fishing and aquaculture sector?

– Guest 2: What are the key benefits and incentives offered under this scheme, and how does it aim to support‍ businesses in these sectors?

– ​Guest‌ 1: Could you explain the eligibility criteria and ⁣application process ‌for companies interested in availing themselves of this tax credit?

2. Section 2: Location​ of Eligible Production Structures

– Guest 2: The tax credit is only applicable to production structures located in specific ​regions ‌of Italy. How does this targeted approach aim to boost growth and development ‌in ‌these areas?

– Guest 1: What challenges⁤ do you see in implementing ​such a‍ location-specific policy, ⁣and how can it be ensured that the benefits reach the intended beneficiaries?

– Guest ​2: Are there plans to expand the scheme to​ other regions in the future, and if so, ⁣what criteria ‌will be ​used to determine eligibility?

3. Section 3: Automation ⁤and Control Measures

– Guest 1: The communication process for claiming the tax credit is fully automated through a dedicated ​software provided by the Revenue Agency. What measures have been put in place to ensure its smooth functioning‍ and prevent potential errors or fraud?

– Guest 2: Will there​ be any manual verification or checks conducted by the Agency after ⁣receiving the communication,⁣ and what happens in cases where ‌errors are‍ detected?

– ‍Guest 1: How will companies be informed about the status of their communications and when can⁢ they expect to receive the tax credit?

4. Section 4: Timeline and⁢ Budget Allocation

– Guest 2: The ​tax credit will be available for investments made between May 16, 2024 ​and November 15, 2024. ‍How was this timeframe chosen, and‌ what ⁢are the plans for future allocations?

– Guest 1: With a budget cap of 40 million euros‍ for 2024, how will the

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