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Singing together on the Day of German Unity on the Römerberg

(Photo: lapping on Pixabay)

The “3. October – Germany sings ”invites all generations and cultures to sing well-known secular and religious songs on the Römerberg on the Day of German Unity.

Several Frankfurt choirs will provide support and guarantee a full sound. “Together with all cultures, we are sending out a sign of thanks and hope,” says Bernd Oettinghaus from the Evangelical Alliance in Frankfurt, who heads the initiative. “With candles we remember the prayers for peace and the peaceful revolution as a symbol of peace and hope in the reunited country and in the world.”

Open singing under the motto “Freedom, Unity, Hope” is supported by the City of Frankfurt am Main. Mayor Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg, Head of the Department for Diversity, Anti-Discrimination and Social Cohesion, emphasizes the community character of the event: “We missed the music, the song and the dance very much last year. The pandemic has created a crippling silence. Therefore I am very happy that it is now possible to sing again. Because there is no better means than music to unite people. Music opens the heart, it connects, overcomes divisions and creates a climate of understanding. We are united in diversity in Frankfurt, and that is a reason to be happy, to sing and dance. “

City treasurer Bastian Bergerhoff, the department head responsible for the Frankfurt donation churches, refers to the traditional religious diversity in Frankfurt. “On the one hand there is the once Catholic and now Protestant Old Nikolaikirche, on the other side the temporarily Protestant and now Catholic cathedral can be seen – the Römerberg is characterized by different denominations. Singing together connects religions and cultures, which is why I am happy to support the event. The variety of voices of the singers, who only develop their special effect in the choir, also stands for the diversity of our city. “

Before the singing on the Römerberg, thanksgiving services are offered at 5.30 p.m. in the Free Evangelical Congregation (Oeder Weg 6) and at 5.45 p.m. in the St. Leonhard Church (Am Leonhardstor 25). Then candle trains to the Römerberg are planned. The program begins there at 6.30 p.m. with contemporary witnesses and celebrities. Harald Bretschneider (initiator of “Swords to Plowshares”), Protestant pastor and representative of the church peace, environmental protection and human rights movement in the GDR is also there.

Open singing starts at 7 p.m. Ten well-known tracks are planned, from “No beautiful country” to the ABBA hit “Thank you for the Music” to “The moon has risen”. Songs in other languages ​​- for example the Hebrew “Hevenu Shalom Alechem” – set an example against racism and anti-Semitism.

The following Frankfurt choirs are involved: Surpraise, Vocalensemble Liebfrauen, Sound of Praunheim, Chor Freie ev. Gemeinde, Sängerkreis FFM, Bridges / Intern. Migrant Choir, TSV Berkersheim Choir, Seckbach Choir, Eschersheim Family Choir, Musical Kids, Popchor’N, Sound of Gospel, Frankfurter Trombone Choirs, Brass together, Bundesbank Choir.

The open singing is organized by the Catholic City Church Work, the Evangelical City Deanery Frankfurt Offenbach, the Evangelical Alliance Frankfurt, the Working Group of Christian Churches Frankfurt, the international congregations of Frankfurt, the YMCA Frankfurt and the Evangelisches Jugendwerk.

The event on the Römerberg is part of the “3. October – Germany sings ”, which celebrates the anniversary of German unity with nationwide open singing in more than 260 locations under the patronage of Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble. In the future, there will be such offers in several cities every year on October 3rd.

(Text: PM City of Frankfurt)

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