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Singer The Weeknd in concert at the Matmut Atlantique in Bordeaux this summer

The Matmut Atlantique stadium is not doing very well, with the Loss of 18 million euros for SBA
, the company that manages it, but there has never been such an intense summer of concerts. There will be five in the summer of 2023 (compared to two in 2017, 2019 and 2022, and only one in 2018). After the announcements of the arrival of Muse (June 29), Depeche Mode
(July 4th) and Mylene Farmer
(July 14 and 15), it is the Canadian singer The Weeknd who will perform on August 1 on the stage of the Lac stadium, as announced on Monday by the Matmut Atlantique.

Ticket office on December 1st

The ticket office will open this Thursday, December 1 for those who have registered using their email address. For the others, the places will be taken the following day, Friday 2 December.

The Canadian singer was supposed to move to Bordeaux in 2022, but to the Arkea Arena. He had finally canceled his European tour, preferring to perform in stadiums rather than theatres. He will therefore see bigger for the concert than him in Bordeaux, after the passages in Nice and at the Stade de France.

The Weeknd, who exploded in 2020 with his album After hours, and his single Blinding Lights, the second most listened song of the year in France on the Spotify platform, notably performed at the Superbowl halftime next year.

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