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Singer Starý of Mandrage was reported to have lost a leg due to diabetes

yesterday 30/12/2022 17:12

Diabetic foot syndrome is a big scare for people diagnosed with diabetes.

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Source: ČTK

In recent days the Czech media have been filled with news about the singer Vít Staré. The frontman of the band Mandrage, who announced his end in 2019 due to personal problems of the singer, was expected to lose a leg due to untreated diabetes. This is an issue that scares many people diagnosed with diabetes. But there are preventative measures that can prevent amputation.

The old man was neglecting his diabetes, amputation threatening as a last resort

“Part of Víť’s leg had to be amputated. He is severely diabetic and there was no other way”, quoted the CNN Prima News website is an informed source around the singer. One of the close friends told the media that Starý neglected her diabetes and was now taking over. The singer used to walk on crutches, he even risks a wheelchair.

The main cause of diabetes and the inability of the body to produce or effectively use the vital hormone insulin, which is responsible for converting food into energy. Insulin’s basic role is to absorb sugar (the body’s main source of energy) from the blood and deliver it to vital organs and tissues.

“Virtually one in ten Czechs (almost 10% of the population) suffers from diabetes. The incidence is increasing not only in the elderly population, but also in the middle age groups. According to data from the Institute of Health Information and Statistics ( ÚZIS), there are more than 1 million people with diabetes in the Czech Republic. Another more than 2% of people are unaware of their disease, have not yet been diagnosed “ he has declared head of the Public Health Support Center of the SZÚ Marie Nejedlá.

Leg amputation is one of the greatest fears of people diagnosed with diabetes. It is the last stage of the complication that arises in connection with the diabetic foot. Diabetic foot syndrome (DNS) is, according to Dr. Pavlína Piťhová denotes destructive tissue damage to the lower limbs of diabetics distal to the ankle, resulting in extensive ulceration (formation of an ulcer), gangrene (death of affected tissue), and, in extreme cases, the need for amputation of the limb.

In the Czech Republic, every year, ten thousand diabetics undergo lower limb amputation. According to a specialized website I have diabetes but this step can be avoided. Preventive steps to include daily foot inspection, daily foot washing combined with thorough drying and application of moisturizer, wearing of proper cotton or bamboo socks and last but not least, expert care.

“After the amputation of a limb, a person’s working capacity has changed, he can no longer lead such an active social life and needs the help of others. The condition has a significant effect on the psyche. Depression is also not rare. Many people with an amputated leg find it difficult to find new meaning in life. The patient has to learn to walk again after the amputation, but it is not easy. The body weight is distributed differently, the remaining leg is thus handicapped and more loaded. The risk of further damage therefore increases even more “ she pointed out Adriana Dosedělová from the web I have diabetes.

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