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Singer-songwriter Tom Helsen stands up for woman in…

© Koen Bauters

One should not wait until Christmas to do an act of charity. Singer-songwriter Tom Helsen (45) proves that. He has started a fundraiser to help a woman living in poverty when she was unable to pay for her partner’s funeral. In the meantime, the desired amount has already been reached

Helsen shared the story on social media this weekend: “I need your help. Last week I paid for the funeral of the husband of someone I met through my volunteer work at Het Lampeke in Leuven. Eight years ago, his lost her first partner. They were not married, she had nothing to fall back on and as a result she ended up in severe poverty. She lived for a few years without water, without heating or electricity. She had to pay the funeral expenses monthly in chunks for three years. In the years that followed, she met someone new. Someone who brought light back into her life. They married in 2018, but last month she lost him to a serious illness. I didn’t want her to go through that same hell. To relieve her stress, I paid for the funeral in one go. That works, but I’m not so rich that it’s not for me.”

He then started a crowdfunding campaign. “I donate 200 euros myself, the funeral cost me 2,700 euros. If I can earn back 2,500 euros, I will be happy. All the money above that goes all the way to her.” In the meantime, they are already at more than 4,100 euros. Helsen is therefore delighted: “Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. The account will remain open for another week.”

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