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Singer justifies violence against women

About 12,000 women die in every year Russia by the hand of a relative. Domestic violence against women is so widespread and widely accepted in the country, the phenomenon has even become firmly established in terms of language and collective memory as a three-liner: “Bjot, snatschit ljubit“is a Russian saying. Translated this means something like:” If he hits, it means he loves you. “

The widespread trivialization of domestic violence is also shown by statements by the singer and TV presenter Regina Todorenko, who is popular in Russia. She had claimed that women were primarily to blame if they were beaten by their husbands: “At some point a critical point should come to ask: why does he hit you?”

“Any kind of violence is unacceptable”

After all, this triggered a scandal in the Moscow media and TV world. The fashion and women’s magazine “Glamor” has now withdrawn from Todorenko the title “Woman of the Year”, which the magazine awarded the 29-year-old in late 2019. “Any kind of violence, including bullying, is unacceptable,” said “Glamor”.

However, this view is much less widespread in Russian politics. In 2017, a new law was passed that strikes in the partnership decriminalized. Spanking is only punished like an administrative offense, for example with fines. Only repeat offenders have to answer under criminal law.

Church: Women should punish themselves

One reason for such regulations is the tough position of the Russian Orthodox Church, whose influence on socio-political decisions has been growing steadily for years. Church officials also reiterated the Todorenko scandal, saying women should be obedient to avoid conflict in a relationship.

“For starters,” they should stop blaming their husbands or making critical comments, Bishop Panteleimon said According to agency Interfax. Women should watch themselves and impose “small punishments” on themselves: bow ten times as a penance, for one day avoid chocolate or the Internet.

Regina Todorenko has now apologized for her comments after the massive criticism.

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