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Singer Aya Nakamura files complaint after being blackmailed on sex tape

A blackmailer allegedly tried to extort money from Aya Nakamura. According to information from Sunday newspaper (JDD), the Franco-Malian singer went to the police station in Chelles (Seine-et-Marne) on January 24, 2023 to file a complaint after receiving several calls from a stranger who allegedly contacted her to blackmail her.

The man would have Aya Nakamura threatened to broadcast intimate videos featuring the interpreter of Dja Dja on social networks and demanded 250,000 euros in return. A sextape blackmail which would be the consequence of a burglary which occurred at his home in Ile-de-France, on December 27, 2022, specifies the JDD.

Aya Nakamura robbed during the holidays

The 27-year-old star told law enforcement she was robbed of 200,000 euros that night. The thugs allegedly stole clothes and luxury items, money, but also two boards on which personal videos were recorded.

According to the public prosecutor of Meaux Jean-Baptiste Bladier, contacted by the JDD, a preliminary investigation was opened for “burglary” and “blackmail”. A source close to the case told the weekly that “various checks” were still “in progress”.

“Aya Nakamura did not come immediately to file a complaint after her burglary. Perhaps she did not want to spread the word about having been the victim of a theft. decided not to leave it at that,” the anonymous source added.

The singer facing justice with her former companion

Thursday January 26, 2023, the singer and her ex-spouse, the music producer Vladimir Boudnikoff, appeared in the criminal court of Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis), for acts of reciprocal domestic violence. The facts for which they blame each other would have taken place on the night of August 6 to 7, 2022, in their home in Rosny-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) and on the public highway.

Judgment has been reserved for February 23, 2023.

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