Home » today » Entertainment » Singer and actress Line Renaud donates 40 costumes to the Center national du costume de scène (Moulins)

Singer and actress Line Renaud donates 40 costumes to the Center national du costume de scène (Moulins)

After more than eighty years of career on stage, in cinema and on television, Line Renaud, also known for her many humanitarian commitments, is one of the most popular French personalities. The artist, now 92 years old, has just donated 40 costumes to the Center national du costume de scène (CNCS), in Moulins.

This major donation joins the museum’s collections, already made up of 10,000 theater, dance and opera costumes from the mid-19th century to the present day from deposits from its three founding institutions, the National Library of France, the Comédie-Française and the Opéra national de Paris, to which were added numerous donations from companies, artists and theaters. It enriches the music hall collection of the CNCS and follows on from previous acquisitions of locker rooms for great performers of song kept by the museum such as Dalida, Maurice Chevalier or Alain Bashung.

The public at the rendezvous of the National Center for Stage Costume, in Moulins, which offers free admission for its reopening

Why did the artist choose the Moulinois museum?

The relationship between the CNCS and Line Renaud began in 2016 during the exhibition “Undress me! The costumes of pop and song” where four costumes worn by the actress were presented.

Line Renaud came to the opening of the exhibition Déshabgez moi !, in 2016.

Line Renaud’s stage costumes exhibited in 2016 at Moulins.

“Our exhibitions allow us to make ourselves known to great artists. Initially, it was Line Renaud’s assistant who spotted us. I then went to Line Renaud’s home, in the Paris region, to choose the costumes for the exhibition with her. Then she came to the opening of the exhibition. She had been very impressed by the museum, the skills she had discovered there, our know-how in conservation, recalls Delphine Pinasa, director of the museum. We had shown him to visit the exhibition, but also our reserves. She had been very generous, agreeing to have her picture taken with the entire museum team. At the end of 2020, she called me back, testifying to her willingness to give us this very generous gift, in keeping with her personality, of great humanity. She is an accessible woman, without fuss. She continues to work, she starts shooting next week ”.

What costumes?

The costumes that Line Renaud donated to the museum mark her immense career as a leader of music hall reviews in Paris and Las Vegas, but also as a theater actress up to the steps of the Palace of the Festival de Cannes …

“It is a real chance, because these pieces are not very present in the public collections, the costumes of the music hall are little preserved and it is rare that the artists keep them after the shows”, explains Delphine Pinasa.

“These pieces are part of French heritage in all its popular dimension and diversity. Together, we made a selection of 40 pieces, stage costumes, but also personal clothes. We still have certain pieces to identify with it, but our iconographic and documentary research as well as the information given by Line Renaud allow us to easily attribute the majority of costumes and clothes to a date and a place ”.

Sequin skirt and cape by José Vinas worn by Line Renaud, photo Florent Giffard

Line Renaud in Las Vegas, 1968, © collection Line Renaud

The CNCS thus welcomes the outfits worn by the artist during one of his first reviews, “Plaisirs” (1959-1963, resumed in Las Vegas (1964-1966), from the “Dean Martin Show” (1966), from ” Las Vegas show “(1974) or in” Folle Amanda “(1981) and” Pleins feu “(1991). Costumes signed by big names on the scene, such as José de Zamora, Lucien Bertaux, José Vinas, Vicaire…

We do not realize today, comments Delphine Pinasa, but in the 70s, a French performer in the United States, it was exceptional. Line Renaud knows the whole world! She rubbed shoulders with Josephine Baker, who trained her, Elvis Presley, Dalida, George Michael … She is a great French songwriter.

Line Renaud also gave the museum the simple blue dress she wore at the Olympia, the same one worn by her statue at the Grévin Museum. “A dress matching her extraordinary blue eyes”.

Line Renaud costume signed José Vinas, worn for the Plaisirs magazine at the Casino de Paris, 1959-1963, photo Florent Giffard
The other side of the collection illustrates the artist’s personal wardrobe that she brings to the city during public events such as Loulou Gasté’s 75th birthday at the Paradis Latin in 1983, the 61st Cannes Film Festival in 2008 in which she participates as guest or as vice-president of Sidaction with the outfit worn at the Gala du Sidaction in 2011. Designer pieces complete this wardrobe of designers already present in the CNCS collection, such as Pierre Cardin, Carven, Christian Dior or Christian Lacroix .

What future development of this collection?

“We have already exhibited some of these costumes in 2016 during this exhibition devoted to song, but we can quite imagine an exhibition devoted to music hall”, advance Delphine Pinasa. When? Not before 2024, replies the director, the calendar of temporary exhibitions of the museum is indeed full until that date.

Ariane Bouhours

[email protected]

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