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Singapore is a shining example of what humanity can achieve when it works together.

Pope Francis, during his visit to Singapore, praised the country for its impressive technological development and entrepreneurial spirit, while calling for greater concern for social justice, migrants’ rights and environmental protection.

Beneath the ultramodern skyscrapers that dominate Singapore’s skyline, Pope Francis saw more than just a symbol of technological success. In his speech at the National University of Singapore, in the presence of President Tharman Shanmugaratnam, he said Singapore was “a shining example of what humanity can achieve when it works together in harmony, in a spirit of fraternity.” Those words take on particular significance in the context of the global challenges that the pope outlined in his speech.


Francis did not skimp on praise for the city-state that has been a global financial and trade centre for decades.

– Human genius, social dynamism and a brilliant entrepreneurial spirit – these words were addressed by the Pope to the people of Singapore, pointing to their ability to create modern, innovative solutions.

However, the tone of his speech also echoed an appeal for balance. The Pope stressed that economic development cannot come at the expense of values ​​such as social justice or concern for the common good. He drew attention to the situation of migrants, who contribute significantly to building society, and called for them to be provided with decent working conditions and remuneration.

Singapore in the Context of Global Challenges

Singapore, despite its small territory, plays a special role in the international arena. Francis noted that the country has successfully promoted multilateralism and an order based on rules that unite all.


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Also addressing global challenges, President Tharman Shanmugaratnam spoke of the “critical threats” facing the world, including growing intolerance and climate change, which he stressed were making the world “less safe for humanity.”

Family and environment

One of the themes that Pope Francis often touches on is family, and this time it was no exception. The Pope warned that the foundations on which families are built are now “challenged and at risk of being weakened.” For Singapore, a country with such dynamic economic and social development, maintaining strong family ties can be a challenge, but it is also a key element of stability and social well-being.

Nor can we ignore the issue of the environmental crisis, which Francis addressed with characteristic concern. He drew attention to the particular threats that climate change could pose to a small country like Singapore. He called for the use of advanced technology and capital to effectively overcome these challenges, emphasizing that responsibility towards the natural environment is one of the most important missions of the modern world.

Singapore, a symbol of innovation and prosperity, was presented by the Pope as an example of modern genius, which, however, cannot forget the foundations, such as social justice, fraternity and care for the environment. In a rapidly changing world, these values ​​can become a signpost that will lead both this small country and all of humanity towards a more sustainable and just future.

Source: PAP / jh

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