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Simpler building permit procedure for swings in the canton of Zurich

Teaserbild-Quelle: Johnny Cohen, Unsplash

In the future, anyone who wants to set up a children’s swing of a certain size in their garden in the canton of Zurich will benefit from a simplified approval process. The cantonal council has referred a corresponding postulate to the government without discussion. The council will still debate a simpler construction method for pergolas.

What: Johnny Cohen, Unsplash

If you want to set up a swing in your garden, you should have less effort in the future.

The postulate to simplify the building permit process concerns swings and other children’s play equipment. According to the currently valid regulations, only playground equipment up to a height of 2.5 meters and an area of ​​6 square meters is exempt from the reporting and approval requirement. A building permit is required for taller or larger models as soon as they are firmly anchored. This should be based on postulates from the ranks of the FDP, SVP, SP, AL, SVP and Mitte. The cantonal council listened to the concerns and referred the postulate to the government.

Can you also set up a pergola using a simplified construction process?

The postulate of the FDP, EVP, SVP and Mitte pursues a similar goal, i.e. simplifying the construction process. However, it’s not about “Gireizli”, but about pergolas. The postulators want to allow pergolas of up to 16 square meters to be built without a building permit or registration requirement. – According to the current regulations, only pergolas up to a maximum height of 2.5 meters and a maximum area of ​​6 square meters are exempt from the reporting and permit requirement.

The postulators point out that a frequently sold pergola model has an area of ​​9 square meters. However, this article is too large for exemption from the reporting requirement and therefore a building permit must be obtained for it. This entails “disproportionate effort and effort
costs” with it.

The government wanted to accept the postulate, but the debate in the Council was requested. This means the business remains on the agenda; It will be addressed at a later date. (sda/mai)

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