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Simple Ways to Take Care of Heart Health

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – High blood pressure or cholesterol makes people have to change their lifestyle to be healthier. Attack sufferer heart and strokes are often asked to change, even overhaul bad habits.


Beberapa orang berhasil mengubah pola olahraga, diet, dan kebiasaan tidak sehat dengan mudah. Namun, ada pula yang telah mencoba membuat perubahan tetapi tidak berhasil. Alih-alih melakukan perubahan besar, Anda mungkin dapat meningkatkan kesehatan jantung dengan serangkaian perubahan kecil.

Cara ini mungkin memakan waktu lebih lama, tetapi bisa memotivasi untuk membuat beberapa perubahan besar. Melansir dari Harvard Health Publishing, berikut 10 tips sederhana untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan jantung.


Jalan kaki 10 menit
Jika tidak berolahraga sama sekali, jalan kaki singkat adalah cara yang bagus untuk memulai. Jangan malas untuk memulainya, ini semua demi menjaga kesehatan jantung. Namun, jika sudah biasa berolahraga, ini adalah cara yang baik untuk menambahkan lebih banyak olahraga. Jalan kaki selama 10 menit setiap hari dan Anda akan mendapatkan manfaatnya.

Lift the load
Tips The next simple thing is to lift heavy weights. You can lift heavy cover books or 1 kg weights several times a day. This can help tone the arm muscles. If it feels easy, switch to heavier items or to the gym.

Eat one extra fruit or vegetable a day
You should regularly eat fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are inexpensive. You can get more nutrition from eating both. Besides being delicious and fresh, fruits and vegetables are great for everything from the brain to the gut.

Some people may feel unaccustomed to breakfast. However, breakfast is very important to start the day in activities. Start the day with some fruit and a serving of whole grains, such as oatmeal or whole wheat bread.

Stop calorie drinks
Maybe this method may be quite difficult for those who often consume sugary foods and drinks. However, you should get used to not drinking calorie-laden sodas or lattes. That way, you can easily save 100 calories or more per day. Over a year, you can lose as much as 5 kg.

eat nuts
Next, you need to eat nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, peanuts, and others. Nuts are good for the heart. Instead of eating chips or cookies when you need a snack, try adding nuts to your salad instead of meat in pasta and other dishes.

You will also need fish or other types of seafood in place of red meat. You can eat seafood once a week. Seafood such as fish has a good content for the heart, brain, and waist circumference.

Try to breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes each day. This method can help you relax. Slow, deep breathing can also help lower blood pressure.

Wash your hands often
Frequent hand washing with soap and water during the day is a great way to protect your heart and health. Illnesses such as flu, pneumonia, and other infections can seriously irritate the heart. Especially during the pandemic, wash your hands often, especially before and after eating or after traveling out of the house.

Be grateful
A final tip is to take time each day to acknowledge the blessings in life. These tips are one way to start tapping into other positive emotions. Gratitude has been linked to better health, a longer life, and greater well-being. Meanwhile, anger, worry, and hostility contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Also read: Take Care of Heart Health in the Following Way

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