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simple reflexes for a peaceful season

Winter illnesses: vaccines are now

Every winter, the traffic of the flu a you Covid-19 accelerates, sometimes leading to serious complications, particularly for those over 65, pregnant women and people suffering from a chronic illness. Getting vaccinated means protecting yourself, protecting others and preserving our health system. If vaccines do not prevent contamination 100%, they greatly reduce the risk of developing serious forms of these diseases. For influenza alone, vaccination saves an average of 2,000 lives each year.

Double vaccin, double protection

Safe and practical, double vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 is recommended by the High Authority of Health (HAS), once in two separate places without increasing the risk of side effects. It is also possible in two installments for those who prefer it. It can be carried out by a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or midwife. “I don’t even ask myself the question anymore”says Gérard, 76 years old. “As soon as I receive the voucher for the flu, I will get both vaccines. This year, I made them directly at the pharmacy! » A reflex that is all the simpler since the Covid-19 vaccine is free for all, and the flu vaccine, for all people who have received a health insurance voucher.

Infants: watch out for bronchiolitis

Acute and contagious viral infection, bronchiolitis mainly affects children under 2 years old, sometimes with a serious form that can lead to hospitalization. To protect them and slow the transmission of the virus, there are simple actions: wash your hands before and after each change, feeding, meal or hug, avoid taking your child to confined public places (supermarkets, restaurants, public transport …), wear a mask in case of cold, cough or fever, ventilate your home regularly, do not share unwashed bottles, pacifiers or cutlery and finally do not smoke near babies and children.

Barrier gestures are all winter long!

For everyone:

  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Ventilate your home

In case of symptoms (cold, cough, fever) or contact with vulnerable people:

To learn more, see ameli.fr

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