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“Simone Biles prioritizing her well-being has helped us understand the importance of taking care of our mental health”

His own story of dealing with anxiety has led Ferran Cases to write five books, create a monologue for the theatre and gather thousands of followers on social media who are attentive to his advice. He is an entrepreneur who helps many people deal with anxiety, from his own experience and thanks to the humour and approachability that characterise him.

Who is Ferran Cases?

I am an author and speaker specializing in overcoming anxiety, and I founded the Bye Bye Anxiety Center. My focus is on helping people manage and overcome anxiety through a multidisciplinary method at the center. And through humor and proximity in my theater shows and in my books.

What inspired you to start your own business?

My own struggle with extreme anxiety, which at one point led to bodily paralysis, was my inspiration. I wanted to offer a space and tools that truly understood and addressed the specific needs of people who suffer from anxiety in a correct, orderly and scientific way. Something that was very difficult for me to find when I was in my own process of overcoming anxiety.

The key to your/your success

The key to my success has always been authenticity and empathy. Deeply understanding what it is like to live with anxiety has allowed me to connect with my audience in a very personal and effective way. And on the other hand, and no less important, to surround myself with people who are much better than me in all those aspects in which I know I do not stand out and will never stand out.

Most rewarding experience

The most rewarding experience for me has been receiving messages from people who have managed to overcome their barriers with anxiety thanks to the resources we provide. Knowing that I have made a difference in someone’s life is incredibly rewarding. You can’t explain what you feel when someone stops you on the street and tells you that one of your books helped them be happier.

Biggest challenge and how you overcame it. How do you deal with risk?

The biggest challenge has been overcoming the stigma associated with anxiety and educating the public about its seriousness, doing so in a relatable and humorous way. I communicate as anxious person to anxious person, not as health professional to patient, and it has taken me a long way to get it across, but it has been very worthwhile. I have overcome this by maintaining open and honest communication about the challenges of anxiety and offering evidence of how effective management can change lives. Facing risk for me is a matter of preparation and faith in the process.

How do you stay motivated?

I stay motivated by remembering the purpose of my work. Each success story is a reminder of why I do what I do and drives me to continue and constantly improve.

A piece of advice for new entrepreneurs

My advice would be to find your true passion and let that guide you. Businesses founded on passion and a genuine desire to make a difference are the ones that stand the test of time and hardship.


What team are you on?
I’m a Barça fan, not just for its sporting career, but for everything it represents beyond sport. I also support smaller teams like Europa, in Barcelona, ​​which is my neighbourhood team.

You play…
I played roller hockey at the time when Igualada won everything. I go to the gym and run, which is a good way to meditate while moving.

Favorite male athlete…
I really like Roger Federer, not only for his tennis skills, but also for his conduct on and off the court. And if I have to mention one player who has left his mark on me since I was a child, it would be Michael Jordan. I’m from the 80s, so I think it’s inevitable to mention him.

Favorite female athlete…
Simone Biles. Her bravery in speaking openly about mental health during the last Olympics, and her decision to prioritize her well-being over competition, has marked a before and after in how mental health is perceived in high-performance sport. She is not only an exceptional athlete for her gymnastics achievements, but also a role model in the defense of mental care. And of course, for me that puts her at the top. I love it when I see athletes who go beyond sport, I can’t help it.

You never get lost…
An Olympic Games. It’s exciting to see the world’s best athletes competing at the highest level.

You would travel halfway around the world to see…
A World Cup final. The atmosphere and passion must be unparalleled.

A historic sporting moment that you remember?
The Barcelona ’92 Olympics and Andrés Iniesta’s goal in the World Cup final.

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