Home » today » World » Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: After the elections, Bulgaria needs the broadest possible coalition – 2024-09-02 15:50:27

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: After the elections, Bulgaria needs the broadest possible coalition – 2024-09-02 15:50:27

/ world today news/ There must be leading countries in the world and there must be mutual understanding and mutual responsibility between them, because the fate of other nations depends on them.

This was stated by the former Bulgarian king /1943-1946/ and former prime minister /2001-2005/ Simeon of Saxe-Coburg.

In an interview with TASS correspondent Igor Lenkin, he spoke about the prospects for Europe, about Russia’s role on the world stage. The former monarch and prime minister particularly emphasized the need for modern politicians to study history.

TASS: What place does Russia occupy in your life today?

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: I ​​have always been interested in Russia from both a historical and a cultural point of view. I have read a lot about her and learned from her example. I have been to your country five times. I remember the train journey from Moscow to the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar. It was very interesting. Every day we stopped in some new city. Returning to Moscow made an even greater impression on me, when I flew over the territory of Russia for more than 6 hours. Russia is a huge country on a global scale, even purely visually.

I was on an official visit to Russia in June 2002, shortly after I became Prime Minister. My visit to Moscow was my second official visit. And my meeting with Vladimir Putin left a very interesting and positive impression. I will be glad if I can meet him once more.

Now there is tension between our countries, but I don’t think it will last long. Problems are always temporary and conjunctural. Today it is a fad that pursues short-term interests. In the relations between Bulgaria and Russia, one must look for the real, the pragmatic and the useful.

From the point of view of a person who has lived a long time and seen a lot, I consider it extremely positive that Russia has become involved in solving the problems of the Middle East. This is a very positive phenomenon.

TASS: How do you assess the current situation of the European Union?

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: I ​​am a European. I was born on the continent and have been closely associated with Europe all my life.

I am convinced that the European Union is the only opportunity for Europe to be a serious economic player and world political factor. Since 1949, there have been moments of disillusionment and upsurge as well as crises. But I am convinced that Europe has no real alternative to the European Union. This means that the crisis in relationships that is now being observed can and must be overcome.

I can give Bulgaria as a positive example of the benefits of the European community. If we were not members of the EU during the economic crisis in 2008, it is not clear where we would be today. But as part of the common union, common club and family, we managed to cope with these difficulties. This “United Europe” project must exist despite the criticism. How long did it take America to become the United States of America? Europe needs time to become united.

TASS: What should Europe pay special attention to?

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: This question should be asked of today’s leading politicians, who bear personal responsibility for what is happening. I am convinced that the European Parliament and the European Commission will deal with the problems, including the infamous Brexit. This situation affects one country at this particular time. Sorry about that, but that was the choice of the majority of UK residents. Other unexpected changes are possible. But these are challenges that must be overcome. Ultimately, they will lead to positive changes. Today’s difficulties of the EU are challenging us, forcing us to concentrate and move forward. I also think that the sanctions today affect the EU countries more negatively than Russia.

TASS: In what direction will relations between the EU and the USA develop?

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: I ​​hope that their development will be positive. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I think that there are countries and associations of countries in the world that are decisive factors capable of working in the interests of the whole world. It is these countries that must interact. There is a great positive in this cooperation. There must be leading countries in the world and there must be mutual understanding and mutual responsibility between them. Because the fate of other nations depends on them.

TASS: What do you expect from the early parliamentary elections in Bulgaria on March 26?

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: I ​​think that as a result of the elections there will be a need to form a coalition, politicians will need a dialogue. I am convinced that Bulgaria needs a coalition as wide as possible, which could take into account the wishes of the largest possible number of voters. Political beliefs should not interfere with civilized conversation, setting priorities at work. At the same time, nothing prevents them from maintaining their ideological preferences.

TASS: And what can you say about the role of the monarchy in modern society?

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: There is no modern or old-fashioned government. In the millennial history, there have been monarchies, republics, dictatorships, and other systems. Only after the First World War /1914-1918/ was the opinion formed that the republic was the most successful form of government, and some monarchies were overthrown, not always by democratic methods.

I don’t think the monarchy is unmodern – it’s a political mistake. For me, it is important that the country develops in view of previous experience, of history. Regardless of whether anyone likes her or not. In this context, I am very impressed by the development of Russia today, that it remembered its traditions, used historical symbols and events. The story remains. And this understanding and respect for history restores the greatness of the state. Memory should not be underestimated. And the people who are involved in politics, the statesmen must have a good historical training. For politicians, history should be one of the compulsory subjects to study. This is a phenomenal support, including for making decisions, for understanding the situation.

TASS: What are your personal plans?

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: For a man who is almost 80 years old, it is risky to look far into the future. I have a busy business schedule that leaves little time for my personal life. I wrote a book of memories, especially for my children, so that they could understand why their father was always busy and did not give them enough time. This book was published in Bulgarian, French, Turkish and Spanish languages. I hope it will be released in English, Italian and German soon. I think that this book would be useful for people who want to know Bulgaria better.

I had the good fortune to live in two eras. I was born here in Bulgaria, and I lived under the conditions of a monarchy, as heir to the throne and as a king, then I left the country for 50 years. I learned many things and in the end I returned to Bulgaria again. I thank God that he gave me the opportunity to see the life of my country for such a long period. /TASS

Moscow / Russia

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