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Silvio Berlusconi, the stamp on his birthday

Photos, videos, messages. From Antonio Tajani – together with many Forza supporters – a Matteo Salvinion social media several center-right exponents wanted to leave a post in memory of Silvio Berlusconiwho passed away on June 12, 2023, and who would have turned 88 today. Today, choosing the date of his birth, 29 September, the Italian Post Office issued a stamp in memory of the president of FI.

Messages on social media

“Up there, happy birthday President”, the message on X from the Italian deputy prime minister and secretary accompanied by a video from the founder of Forza Italia.

On social media there are many messages from Forza supporters who wanted to remember their founder, like the deputy Deborah Bergaminideputy national secretary of the party, (“His ever-current lesson”), the minister for institutional reforms Elisabetta Casellati (“An extraordinary man who gave everything for Italy”), the leader of the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri and the senator and vice president of Palazzo Madama, Licia Ronzulli.

Matteo Salvini writes: “On the left they shamefully persist in tarnishing and attacking your memory, we remember you like the majority of Italians who loved you. Happy birthday Silvio, always with us”. And the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa adds: “Today a great leader and, for me, a dear friend would have celebrated his 88th birthday. From politics to entrepreneurship, from sport to communication, his figure has profoundly marked our time, leaving a legacy that will remain indelible and which goes far beyond those who still try to tarnish his memory. Happy birthday Silvio.”

The Poste commemorative stamp

Poste Italiane has issued a commemorative stamp of the Cav 350 thousand copies of 1.25 euros each. Against the background of the flag of Italy and the European Union, a portrait of the entrepreneur and four-time Prime Minister. On the stamp the legends ‘Silvio Berlusconi’, the dates ‘1936 – 2023’, and the writing ‘Italy’ with the tariff indication ‘B’. The sketch was edited by the Philatelic Center of the Officina Carte Valori e Produzioni Tradizionali del Poligrafico, printed by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, in rotogravure, on white, neutral coated, self-adhesive, non-fluorescent paper.

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#Silvio #Berlusconi #stamp #birthday
– 2024-09-29 16:19:43

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