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Silvio Berlusconi, one yr after his dying, the tribute on Mediaset to unified networks

A yr in the past he died Silvio Berlusconi. To commemorate the primary anniversary of the dying of the founding father of Mediaset and Forza Italia, it will likely be broadcast on Wednesday 12 June Pricey President, one yr later in prime time concurrently on Canale 5, Italia 1, Retequattro and Tgcom24.

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The doc of Toni Capuozzodirected by Roberto Burchielliremembers the Knight with pictures of the folks closest to him, his kids, from the youngest Luigi a Eleonora, Barbara, Pier Silvio e Marinaand his brother Paolo. Then, via a visit to Italy among the many most important locations within the historical past of Silvio Berlusconithe tales of lifelong buddies alternate: Fedele Confalonieri, Marcello Dell’Utri, Gianni Letta e Adriano Gallianiat his aspect at the start of his tv journey, within the historic pages marked with Milan and in his final expertise with Monza.

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And once more, a reminiscence of the spouse of Ennius Doris, Lina Tombolatoand of Guido Barilla. There isn’t any scarcity of recollections of Paolo Del Debbio and of Antonio Tajani, alongside him within the political marketing campaign since 1994, when Berlusconi determined to take the sector. Beneath are the testimonies of those that knew the Cavaliere’s path from tv to politics: Carlo Frecceroto whom Berlusconi entrusted the duty of managing the programming of the brand new industrial tv Fininvestthe primary director of the Tg5 and present director of TgLa7 Enrico Mentana, Maria De Filippi, Gerry Scotti e City Cairo.


Europeans, Galliani is moved one yr after Berlusconi’s dying: “They thought Forza Italia was over, however the affection for Silvio is rising”

video-component id="player_ex_423212782" type="standard" data-src="https://www.repubblica.it/embed/politica/2024/06/11/video/europee_galliani_si_commuove_a_un_anno_dalla_scomparsa_di_berlusconi_davano_forza_italia_per_finita_ma_laffetto_per_sil-423212782/?adref=https://www.repubblica.it/spettacoli/tv-radio/2024/06/11/news/silvio_berlusconi_a_un_anno_dalla_scomparsa_lomaggio_su_mediaset_a_reti_unificate-423213279/&generation=pageload&responsive=true&gd-facet-webview=false&pm=true&pl_listen=true&el=player_ex_423212782&mode=embed&bcplayer=true">


Lastly, recollections from the world of sport: the previous coach of Milan Arrigo Sacchi e Zlatan Ibrahimovic who, upon assembly his former president, in 2022, posted a photograph with the writing “Historical past can’t be erased and the long run remains to be to be written”.

#Silvio #Berlusconi #yr #dying #tribute #Mediaset #unified #networks
– 2024-06-27 07:16:12

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