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Silvia Romano betrayed or sold? The carabinieri scour the non-profit organization

Our daughter was left alone»: It was this heavy and direct accusation launched by the parents of Silvia Romano to bring i carabinieri del Ros in the offices of the non-profit organization «Africa Milele». Prosecution confirmed by the same girl on Sunday afternoon when, in her interrogation before magistrates and investigators, she said that she remained in Kenya, in the village of Chakama, without any security measure. The search ordered yesterday by the magistrates therefore serves to check the documentation relating to the mission, to ascertain which precautions have been taken to protect the volunteers. Because the real question is all too evident: could the kidnapping be avoided? There are no suspects at the moment, but if it were established that the security protocols for this type of mission were not followed, the founder Lilian Sora and those responsible for the association risk being accused of aiding and abducting the kidnappers. Even Silvia will have to be listened to again by the magistrates, but these days we are trying to make her find serenity with her family. And therefore the convocation is expected in the coming weeks.

The crisis unit

The first report of “anomalies and critical issues” comes from the Farnesina Crisis Unit and its manager Stefano Verrecchia immediately after the kidnapping in November 2018. The diplomat is the spokesperson for the family’s mood that accuses “Africa Milele” of not having given Silvia “any help to manage a complicated situation like that of an African village” . It turns out that even the minimum rules have been omitted. Registration on the “Traveling informed” site is missing and at the embassy there are also doubts about the insurance policies taken out for those who agree to go to Kenya to look after children and teach them to read and write.

The Masai wedding

When the Carabinieri del Ros went to Malindi in early 2019 to reconstruct the stages of Silvia’s capture, they discovered that the safety of the village had been entrusted to Joseph, a Masai. In reality it is the husband of Lilian Sora. The woman had arrived in Kenya in 2000 for a vacation with her Italian husband but had decided to stay and open an orphanage to look after small orphans, but also other children taking care of their education, to deliver food and medicine to families. And he married Joseph to whom he had entrusted the organization of the village. On this Silvia has now provided details deemed essential by the prosecutor Michele Prestipino and the public prosecutor Sergio Colaiocco to decide to verify all possible omissions. “A few days before my capture – explained the young woman – two men came looking for me in the village. I knew it later but the Masai who was to be with us did nothing about this episode ».

Mail and certificates

Here then it becomes fundamental to reconstruct what happened in those days to find out if someone, even unconsciously, could have betrayed Silvia telling that there was one in the village white girl. Or if instead the volunteer was «Sold» as the Kenyan policemen speculate from the first moments. Moreover, it is known that Westerners are precious commodities for criminal groups and even more for fundamentalists. And therefore it must be determined whether stocks and security measures had been set up to prevent Silvia from falling prey to the kidnappers. The carabinieri seized computers to acquire e-mails, protocols, insurance contracts.

“Thank you all”

Friday the young volunteer has published a thanks post to the Muslims of Italy who expressed her solidarity with a video where people who welcome her alternate. “As-Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi to all of you that Allah bless you for all this affection that you are showing me. Thank god thank you thank you! This video is beautiful, it is a great emotion. Hi Brothers! See you soon In sha ’Allah!».

May 15, 2020 (change May 16, 2020 | 00:18)


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