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Silver star for fracture prevention ETZ

At the fracture prevention consultation hours at the ETZ, people are examined and treated for osteoporosis. The ETZ meets the quality requirements of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). The hospital has been awarded a silver star for this.

IOF is a global organization associated with the campaign ‘Capture the Fracture’ stimulates care related to fracture prevention and grants a quality mark to hospitals whose fracture prevention clinic meets the conditions set by them. Internist Esther Donga, who focuses on osteoporosis, is pleased with the recognition: “In recent years, we have invested heavily with the entire team in further improving our care. It is always nice that this is now confirmed with this silver star.”


A dedicated team of several nurses, rheumatologists, internists and geriatricians is involved in fracture prevention at the ETZ. Rheumatologist Irene van Echteld is a specialist in osteoporosis. She emphasizes the important role of general practitioners in fracture prevention. “They know their own patients like no other and are increasingly successful in drawing the attention of people over 50 after a bone fracture to the importance of consultation hours at the ETZ. The joint program Fracture prevention plays an important role in this. As a result, general practitioners’ knowledge of osteoporosis has also increased enormously.”


Most people find out they have osteoporosis late. A bone fracture is then usually the first signal to start research into osteoporosis. According to both specialists, anyone aged 50 or older who suffers a bone fracture should be examined for osteoporosis. “If osteoporosis is diagnosed after such an examination, people are given treatment advice. Consider, for example, the prescription of medication and advice on the use of calcium and vitamin D. And the advice to keep moving a lot. In short, a study at the fracture prevention consultation hour offers people the opportunity to get started themselves to take good care of their own bones.”

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