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Siloam Kebon Jeruk Presents Digestive Tract Integrated Services

JAKARTA, Investor.id – Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk (SHKJ) presents an integrated service for digestive tract disorders, the Siloam Digestive Center on October 23, 2021. A clinic with a dedicated team to help patients and their families through proper education about digestive problems, consultation, to treatment through endoscopy and action Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery for Colorectal, including colon resection (CA colon).

dr. Hardianto Setiawan, Sp.PD-KGEH, a specialist in internal medicine, consultant gastroenterology, hepatology, Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, said that digestive disorders can happen to anyone regardless of gender and age. Because it is important to have a healthy lifestyle so that digestive metabolism is maintained properly. A healthy lifestyle can be done by eating nutritious or fibrous foods, eating less red or processed meat, exercising regularly, not smoking, avoiding alcoholic beverages, and doing regular screening.

“If you experience complaints related to the gastrointestinal tract, don’t hesitate to see a doctor to get the right treatment. As one of the leading centers in the field of digestive medicine, Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk officially opens the Siloam Digestive Center on October 23, 2021,” he said on the sidelines of the webinar. One Health Talk SHKJ, Saturday (23/10).

Hardianto added that indigestion is a problem that occurs in one or more of the digestive organs at the same time. The human digestive system consists of a number of organs, from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, to the anus. There are many causes of digestive disorders, ranging from the wrong diet, an unhealthy lifestyle, to the appearance of signs and symptoms of certain diseases. On a mild scale, indigestion can appear and go away on its own, or after taking medication.

“However, at a higher level, digestive disorders must be very careful because they can cause more serious problems in the digestive system. The two most common digestive disorders encountered are gallstones and colon cancer,” he explained.

Hardianto added that gallstone disease is a digestive disorder that is often found, but is often not realized. Gallstone disease or cholelithiasis is a disease that causes sufferers to experience sudden abdominal pain due to stones in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is an internal organ on the right side of the abdomen, just below the liver.

“The bag has a function to store bile which will later be released into the small intestine and help the digestive process,” he continued.

Generally, said Hardianto gallstones are formed due to high cholesterol deposits accompanied by bilirubin that has accumulated in the gallbladder. Several factors such as unhealthy diet, high cholesterol diet, genetics, age, and certain medical conditions can trigger this disease.

“This disease can be found in both men and women, but generally women experience it more than men, especially at the age of over 40 years. Gallstone disease needs to be treated quickly and appropriately. Otherwise, gallstones can lead to a number of serious, dangerous complications. In severe cases, gallstones can be life-threatening because they can cause pancreatitis or gallbladder cancer,” he said.

On the same occasion, the digestive surgeon at Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, Dr. dr. Wifanto Saditya Jeo, Sp.B-KBD added, colon cancer is also a digestive tract disorder that is often found and can happen to anyone. In general, colon cancer is cancer that occurs in the large intestine and is characterized by the growth of lumps that are not controlled. Colon cancer often causes no symptoms at first. So that awareness of the dangers of colon cancer needs to be known early so that it can be prevented and treated quickly and appropriately.

“This cancer is at risk of occurring at all ages, both young and old groups and can attack both men and women. In the younger age group, it is usually accompanied by worse symptoms,” explained dr. Wifanto.

The initial symptom of colon cancer is characterized by the presence of small benign lumps in the form of polyps, which in their development can transform into malignant. Other symptoms that can be experienced include impaired bowel movements (BAB) that bleed, constipation, or diarrhea for no apparent reason. In addition, it is often followed by abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight loss.

Editor : Dawn Widhi ([email protected])

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