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Silleda and Marín join the municipalities with restrictions | Radio Galicia

Silleda and Marín enter the list of municipalities with restrictions. A measure that has been taken by the clinical committee that advises the Xunta, given the increase in the incidence of the coronavirus in these municipalities. This implies limit social contact and capacity. On the contrary, these measures they rise in Carballo, A Laracha, Laxe and Ponteceso.

As of this Thursday, there are gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited In restricted areas, it may not be consumed as a bar either, a maximum capacity of 50% in the premises, terraces will be able to work at 75% and also attendance is limited to wakes, celebrations or religious services. The councilor for Health, Julio García Comesaña, assures that these measures are effective, as evidenced by the improvement in territories of the Bergantiños region.

Regarding the evolution of the pandemic, Comesaña acknowledges that there is some “concern”. At the same time, it defends that in “the hospital environment the situation is controlled, which allows to be calm”. Overall, the head of Sanidade said, “The data is not all bad, but obviously we are concerned and we have to keep working to make it better.”

According to experts, the three-day incidence in Silleda is 115.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while in Marín it stands at 49.3. In both cases the proximity to Lalín and Pontevedra has been taken into account. In addition, the restrictions remain active in the councils of Lalín, A Guarda, O Rosal, Vilaboa and Poio, Santiago and Ourense, Lugo and in some neighborhoods of A Coruña and Arteixo.

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