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Silent Stand at HKBU: Students’ Commemoration of the Umbrella Movement

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(Independent media report) Today is the ninth anniversary of the Umbrella Movement. At Baptist University, some students “stand silently” on campus, with multiple yellow ribbons attached to their bodies, and the words “The school station is not for us, are you willing to carry it?” and “Freedom is NOT Free. People” sacrifice & paid” paper. However, after they stood silently for a short time, school officials arrived and took them away.

Dai Jiaping, the former vice-president of external affairs of the Hong Kong HKBU Student Union who participated in the “Silent Stand”, told Independent Media that he originally planned to commemorate the Umbrella Movement by sending out yellow ribbons, but was opposed by the school beforehand, so he changed it to silently Despite standing still, he was still taken away by school staff. He pointed out that the school has stated that it will initiate disciplinary proceedings regarding the incident.

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HKBU: Respect and safeguard freedom of speech. Students must apply in advance to use campus venues

In response to an inquiry by Independent Media, HKBU stated that if students use campus venues to hold activities, they must apply in advance and provide accurate information. If regulations are violated, the university will take appropriate action, including requesting the suspension of relevant activities and taking disciplinary action if necessary. .

HKBU also stated that it has always respected and safeguarded the freedom of speech and expression of opinions, and is committed to creating a campus environment conducive to teaching and research. Therefore, the University has always had clear regulations and guidelines for all activities held using campus venues.

Second from right: Dai Jiaping (picture provided by readers)

Students said they were “pressured” by the school beforehand and sent ribbons to change their silence

At about 11 o’clock this morning, Dai Jiaping and two other classmates “stopped silently” on Li Zuoquan Avenue on campus. Tai told “Independent Media” that because he did not want the Umbrella Movement, “a movement that completely changed the future of Hong Kong,” to be forgotten, he originally planned to distribute yellow ribbons as a commemoration. However, after the school learned about it, they “pressured” him to object, so they showed up in a silent stand and put yellow ribbons on their bodies, saying that if any students wanted to get the ribbon, they would be happy to provide it.

Dai Jiaping said that not long after he stood silently, school staff came to ask the students to “close their papers” and sent security guards to register their identities and ask them to follow them and leave. The students stated that no ribbons were distributed and questioned “What’s the problem with the degree?” and “I want to follow you for advice.” However, the staff did not answer directly and said they “disrespected the university officers.” He pointed out that the school had stated afterwards that it would initiate disciplinary proceedings regarding the matter.

Students said standing silently was the “most peaceful way” and criticized the school for overreaction

Dai described standing silently as “the most peaceful way”, but was still “brutally stopped” by the school and even initiated disciplinary proceedings, criticizing the school for overreacting and further suppressing the space for students to care about social affairs. He said he hoped his classmates would not forget what happened nine years ago, but he was still worried about being severely punished.

Dai has been subject to “disciplinary procedures” by the school twice in the past due to complaints about the student union’s political platform and the release of recordings of meetings with the school. Dai said that he does not consider himself a “problem student”: “Because it’s not me who has the problem. I think there are things that should be done and I should do them. And maybe if I don’t do them, no one will do them.”

In the early morning of September 28, 2014, after the “Recapture Civic Square” action initiated by the academic community was cleared, Tai Yiu-ting, then associate professor of the School of Law of the University of Hong Kong, announced the official launch of “Peaceful Occupy Central”. The demonstrators stayed at Civic Square and outside the Legislative Council, and were labeled by the police as an illegal assembly. Later, tens of thousands of citizens came to the scene to “counter-siege” and occupied the Harcourt Road area in Admiralty, which eventually evolved into the “Umbrella Movement” that lasted for 79 days.

2023-09-28 12:10:22
#HKBU #student #Dai #Wong #Smo #stood #commemorate #ninth #anniversary #Umbrella #Movement #school #immediately #people #call #disciplinary #procedures #Independent #media #report #Independent #media

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