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Siko 2020 / Munich: Steinmeier with warning to Trump, Putin and China – “dark time”

Siko boss Ischinger has a grim forecast for the Europeans – and President Steinmeier also warns in his opening speech about a new “dark time”.

  • Friday the 14th of February, starts the in Munich 56th Security Conference,
  • There is everything worth knowing about here Siko 2020 in the Bavarian capital. The BR streams the conference live.
  • Politicians with rank and name from all over the world talk about global issues – and sources of fire,

Update at 4.42 p.m .: Frank-Walter Steinmeier chose one Rapprochement between the EU and Russia pronounced. “We need a different, better relationship between the EU and Russia and Russia to the European Union,” the President said in his opening speech to the Munich Security Conference, apart from his criticism of the major powers (see previous entry). With an increasing Alienation cannot and should not come to terms with Europe,

The Russia’s relations with the EU, but also for Nato, have been difficult since 2014 loaded, Moscow is accused of annexing the Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in violation of international law and supporting the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. As a result, the EU imposed economic sanctions. NATO expanded its presence in the east of the alliance.

Steinmeier at the Munich Security Conference: “Into a dark time”

Update at 2:53 p.m .: With his speech at the opening of the Munich Security Conference Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued an urgent warning and sharp criticism of the world powers, “In this age he leads us Withdrawal into the national in a dead end, in a dark timeSteinmeier emphasized. It is “extremely dangerous” if the trust that has grown worldwide is jeopardized by a “relapse into the thinking of the day before yesterday”. The retreat to a narrowly understood national interest is a hindrance, Steinmeier said. Europe had not moved closer together, the Federal President stated. The responsibility for this would not only be borne by everyone else, he said, thus also judging Criticism of the Federal Republic,

Each of the big players is looking for their own advantages. “This is not a good development for us,” warned Steinmeier and emphasized: “This Europe must not fail.” In addition to Europe, Steinmeier particularly criticized the three world powers. Russia have regardless of international law annexes the Crimea. China accept the International law only selective and even that United States would under the current government of Reject idea of ​​an international community,

Siko 2020 in Munich: Steinmeier criticizes China, Russia and the USA in his opening speech

Update at 2:25 p.m .: At the beginning of Munich Security Conference Has Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in his opening speech before one “Increasingly destructive dynamics of world politics” warned, “We are moving further and further away from the goal of international cooperation to create a more peaceful world,” he said. “The idea of ​​competition from the major powers shapes reality around the world.”

The traces could be traced back to theendless victim-rich wars in the Middle East and Libya, sharp criticism he also served Russia and China, China’s crackdown on minorities in their own country would upset everyone, Steinmeier criticized. And also the United States didn’t get away well in his speech. With regard to the politics of the United States, he spoke among other things of the fact that meanwhile “everyone is the next”.

Siko head Ischinger with a dark forecast for Europeans: “Will still regret it”

Update at 11.40 a.m .: It really starts with the Munich Security Conference only with the opening speech by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at 2 p.m. But it is already clear in advance: The motto of Siko, “Westlessness” (in German: “Westlosness”) will be the focus of the conference. Shortly before the conference started, Siko leader criticized Wolfgang Ischinger on Twitter that EU send mainly in Syria conflict a “message of grotesque helplessness” out.

He makes it clear in a post on the social network that he does Doing nothing of the EU in this crisis as “Politically and strategically extremely harmful” considered. It signals: “You can do anything with the Europeans”. In this context, Ischinger also has a grim forecast: “We will regret that”, he writes at the end of his Twitter comment.

Siko 2020 in Munich: Wolfgang Ischinger warns of the increasing loss of power in the West

In a conversation with Deutschlandfunk (we reported) on Friday morning, Ischinger also made statements about the increasing loss of power in the EU. The WElt seem “overall less western” to become. A few years ago, many would have assumed that China would orientate itself more towards the west with increasing prosperity. According to Ischinger, however, this had proven to be an error.

Update at 10:24 a.m .: Facebook founder
Mark Zuckerberg comes to Munich Siko this Saturday*. There he probably also wants to limit damage in view of the frustration prevailing in Europe about the inadequate taxation of tech companies operate. Even before he appeared at the security conference Zuckerberg is open to reforming the global tax system, where technology companies are asked to pay more. Because an already known speech by the Facebook boss for his appearance in Munich shows that his online network Reform plans of the industrialized countries organization OECD support.

Siko 2020 in Munich: Facebook boss Zuckerburg is open to the OECD tax reform

“We accept that this could mean a new set of rules, that we will pay more taxes in the future, and in different countries,” says Zuckerberg’s speech. Facebook also wants a tax reform and wants “that the OECD process is successful”. It has been for years Taxing large internet companies is a matter of dispute, US corporations like Facebook have so far hardly paid any taxes in Europe. Discussions are therefore underway in the EU to introduce a digital tax.

After his appearance in the Bavarian capital Zuckerberg continues to Brussels to travel. His company has been to Europe over and over again in recent months massive criticism exposed. First, because that Business model aimed at user data, on the other hand because of the Dealing with hate contributions and political advertising in the social network.

Munich 2020: Siko boss warns of “unusually serious situation” – “… and we are watching!”

Update from February 14, 2020, 9.22 a.m .: Immediately before the start of the Munich Security Conference Has Director Wolfgang Ischinger serious tones struck. On Friday he spoke in the ZDF Morning Magazine from one “Unusually serious situation” in the world. In view of the “very dangerous” international situation, it is important that people speak and not shoot at the political level, Ischinger emphasized. He complained about the conflicts in Libya, Syria and Yemen weak position of the West, In Syria, Libya and other conflicts, “shooting, marching in, war going on,” said Ischinger, adding: “We are watching.”

This is also suitableMunich SIKO’s motto “Westlessness” ( “Westlosigkeit”). With regard to the motto, Ischinger spoke of a “double phenomenon”. On the one hand, there are “signs of disintegration” within the “classic alliance” between the European countries and the USA. On the other hand, however, the world also appears to be becoming “less western overall”.

Security conference 2020 in Munich for the 56th time

First report from February 12:

Munich – If the 56th edition of the security conference their gates will open, are estimated to be around 40 heads of state and 100 ministers from all over the world expected to be in the Bavarian capital, once again with many traffic jams and demos*, about the most important Conflicts of the earth to discuss. With an extreme view goes Conference leader Wolfgang Ischinger to the public: “We have more crises, more bad crises, more horrific events than you can imagine,” said the former German ambassador in Washington.

Siko 2020 in Munich: Steinmeier opens – Trump is not one of the party

The will open Munich Security Conference 2020 on Friday (14th of February) by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. A time frame of three days is planned for the meeting of the political elites – for Ischinger hardly enough “to discuss all conflicts in the world”. Nevertheless, the Siko has become the most important global meeting of experts on security policy develops and finds for the 56th time in Munich instead of.

For the first time, too french president Emmanuel Macron on board, last year the head of state had canceled his participation. US President Donald Trump will not be there in 2020, but three American ministers will be guests: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Energy Minister Dan Brouillette.

The speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, one of the toughest opponents of US President Donald Trump, will also visit Bavaria for the upcoming Siko. That was not the end of the guest list from the United States: Mitt Romney is the only Republican senator (Trump’s party) on the guest list who voted to impeach the controversial president.

Video: Youtuber behind the scenes of the security conference

Global trouble spots: China, Russia and Iran are taking up positions in Munich

The foreign ministers of China, Russia and Iran – Wang Yi, Sergei Lavrov and Mohammed Javad Sarif – will also arrive for the 56th security conference and enter into dialogue with other representatives of major powers. There are (too) many current trouble spots, including the opaque conflict in Syria, the recent escalation between the United States and Iran, or the Middle East conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Some major Western powers also have a divided relationship with China: after months of frosty relations between Beijing and Berlin, the participation of China’s Wang Yi, who is striving for strategic talks with Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), is remarkable: the Reich had a meeting scheduled for October last in the middle of anger at a Meuse meeting with Joshua Wong, leader of the Hong Kong democracy movement, relations have been tense since then.

At the 56th Munich Security Conference, almost 4,000 police officers from several federal states are to be deployed.

© dpa / Matthias Balk

The Munich Security Conference will also discuss Chinese efforts to combat the new corona virus and international cooperation in this case. By contrast, Kim Son Gyong, North Korea’s deputy foreign minister, has canceled. The country of dictator Kim Jong-un was invited to Munich for the first time in 2020, but subsequently withdrew his first commitment.

Do “AKK” and Söder advise on the future of the CDU at the security conference?

Not only the political development in other countries is on the agenda in Munich: According to reports, the leadership crisis in the CDU (international press) on the margins of the security conference will be an issue: It is likely that Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will play her part shocked with the resignation from the federal presidency, meets with CSU boss Markus Söder.

According to the police headquarters, almost 4,000 police officers will be deployed around Munich’s Siko. The local forces therefore maintain personnel support from eight federal states. The main task is to protect the high-ranking politicians present, said Marcus da Gloria Martins. The announced demonstrations against the “SiKo” are less of a problem, according to the police spokesman.

Last year, five young YouTubers were allowed to look behind the scenes of the Munich Security Conference and interview important participants. Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko made an interesting comparison of politics in his home country Ukraine.

While everything in Munich on the weekend revolves around the topic of security, CSU politician Horst Seehofer is also concerned about this topic. Because he warns of another refugee crisis. We would experience a second in 2015, he is said to have told a member of parliament.

* Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

* tz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

PF with dpa

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