Home » today » World » SIKM Deleted, Residents Exit Entering Jakarta Just Fill in CLM

SIKM Deleted, Residents Exit Entering Jakarta Just Fill in CLM

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Although Permit Exit In and Out (fuck) Jakarta has been officially abolished since Tuesday (7/14), residents who wish to enter and exit Jakarta must continue to take care of permits by filling out the form in the Corona Likelihood Metric (CLM) application.

“Since July 14 yesterday SIKM was abolished, but residents are encouraged to fill out CLM applications,” said DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Head Syafrin Liputo when contacted on Wednesday (7/15).

Previously, SIKM was a requirement for residents who wanted to go in and out of Jakarta. This rule is stipulated in Governor Regulation Number 60 of 2020 concerning Control of Traveling Activities in DKI Jakarta Province in the Context of Preventing the Distribution of Covid-19.

Syafrin explained that CLM filling can be done through the application or the website jaki.jakarta.go.id. Applicants will only need to enter their personal data in the Jaki application.

The system will ask the applicant questions about the symptoms of Covid-19. The system will then assess the applicant’s answer and issue the results of the matter of eligibility to travel or not.

“If it is safe, of course he will immediately get a safe recommendation to travel, but if not, the system will recommend those concerned to conduct an inspection,” said Syafrin.

It also emphasizes on this CLM application that applicants no longer need to include results rapid test or PCR swab test.

Syafrin appealed to the applicants who submitted this CLM to fill the questions honestly. If not, the loss will be the community itself.

“We appeal to all of these citizens to return to our common awareness that the Covid-19 outbreak is very dangerous, so we recommend filling it with the condition of the truth,” explained Syafrin.

(DMI / Ar-H)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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