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Sigrid Sollund in «Dagsnytt 18»

– Especially inflamed cases are perceived as personal for many who watch, and we understand well that people can stay angry, upset and gives us all possible reactions, says host of «Dagsnytt 18», Sigrid Sollund to Dagbladet.

On Tuesday, the NRK profile wrote on Twitter about how she occasionally experiences that excessive criticism can affect the willingness to participate in the program.

To Dagbladet, Sollund says that the program has great acceptance for people to react critically, especially in topics that can feel very personal.

The problem arises, Sollund believes, when individuals fear being exposed to personal attacks and the like, and thus are reluctant to participate in the public debate.

Understand that people respond

Sollund says she has worked as a program manager in “Dagsnytt 18”, with some stays, since 2006.

The program, which has been on the radio since 1990 and is now broadcast on NRK1 in the evening, and is well known as one of Norway’s most popular debate and news programs.

The discussions the program inspires, for example social media, do not always go smoothly, and this can be a deterrent for potential debate participants, Sollund believes.

– We spend a lot of time getting people to ask, but we notice that many people are reluctant to comment on certain topics, when they see that people can get very nasty reactions and a very run down afterwards, says Sollund .

Sollund mentions gender and intoxication as examples of debates where the mood quickly heats up, which she believes is natural since there are topics that for some spectators become very personal.

Sollund says that it is her wish that the program should be able to touch on all topics in a proper way, but that they are dependent on there being room in society to express themselves.

– We must together create a climate where it feels all right to express oneself, without having to go and hide afterwards, says the NRK profile to Dagbladet.

Received a lot of attention

In the comments field under Sollund’s post on Twitter, teacher Anders Noreng is mentioned frequently.

He got a lot of attention after speaking to NRK that he thinks Norwegian schools impose child ideology on children.

Noreng can confirm to Dagbladet that he experienced a lot of attention after participating in various television programs, including “Dagsnytt 18”, in the wake of the statement.

– I have received a massive response, but it has been most supportive. There are some who call me a jerk, but that makes me pretty little. I’ve actually been a little surprised at how nice people have beensays Noreng to Dagbladet.

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