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Signs of Zodiac: How They Stop Loving – A Guide to Understanding Relationship Shifts

Fatal periods in a relationship are always a difficult and painful moment. Sometimes, despite the apparent strength, feelings begin to fade. But you can learn about such variables in advance by paying attention to the behavior of the signs of the Zodiac.

How do they stop loving the zodiac signs?


Aries always strive to be sincere and direct. They do not hide their feelings, whether they are love or cold indifference. For Aries, it makes no sense to waste time on empty talk, so he will quickly show if his feelings have cooled. At first, he may try to express his emotions with active actions, but if he does not see a response, he will disappear from his partner’s life as suddenly as he appeared.


A Taurus in love will shower their soul mate with attention and shower them with gifts. He strives to create comfort and joy in relationships, but when his passion disappears, the signs of this become noticeable. He stops paying so much attention, most likely because he has decided that he has already achieved what he wants.


Geminis are always surrounded by friends and acquaintances, but in a relationship their partner is always a priority. As they begin to drift apart, it becomes clear that romance fades into the background and communication diminishes. They may stop calling for any reason, and their usual carefree will be replaced by a more reserved demeanor.


Cancers are perfectly able to keep their feelings to themselves, and this is a clear sign of their distance. They stop showing interest in romance and jokes, their attention becomes less intense. And they avoid talking about their feelings, so getting the truth out of them is almost impossible.


Leos are in love with the idea of ​​being the center of attention and do a lot to emphasize their attractiveness. When their feelings fade, they may start giving less gifts and attention, but they remain gentlemen. But they make it clear, directly or indirectly, that they no longer feel the same way.


Virgos often think long and hard before deciding to end a relationship. They begin to pay less attention to detail and may avoid meetings by making excuses. Their attention to the partner decreases and they begin to actively distract themselves with other activities.


Libras, as their sign suggests, always seek balance in relationships. When their feelings cool down, they may start to show doubts and delay the separation process. But even friendly, internally they feel that something has changed.


Scorpios, while intense in love, can be no less so in their withdrawal from relationships. Usually they become more polite, remain gallant, but it is clear that the feelings are gone. They may come up with elaborate scenarios to make the breakup less painful.


Sagittarius, who always values ​​freedom, is honest about his feelings when they dry up. These people prefer an active lifestyle, and when their attraction to a partner dries up, they talk about it openly. Their directness helps them to end the relationship without unnecessary agonizing.


Capricorns, who always value stability and planning, also act judiciously when feelings get going. They begin to devote more time to work or interests and less to their partner. When they realize that the relationship is not the same, they will talk openly with the partner.


Aquarians, who always strive for new sensations, show their feelings romantically and passionately. When their interest fades, they become less emotional and enthusiastic. They suddenly stop making romantic gestures.


Pisces, always full of emotions, have difficulty directly recognizing extinguished feelings. They often resort to all sorts of excuses to avoid painful conversations. Their feelings may be gone, but they will continue to interact, trying to cover up the truth.

2023-09-01 02:28:31
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