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Signs of vitamin D deficiency in the body

A nutritionist explained in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia” that rapid fatigue and brittle nails indicate a lack of vitamin D in the body.

Dr. Olesya Savelyeva said that vitamin D contributes to many important processes taking place in the body, and is responsible for mood stability and good health, as reported by Russia Today.

Savelyeva noted that “Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble secosteroid (chemical compound) that can be produced in the body when exposed to sunlight or with foods. This vitamin is responsible for regulating mineral metabolism in the body, supporting the immune system, and is necessary for the growth and health of bones and heart function. And blood vessels, and to reduce inflammation, as well as for the functioning of the thyroid gland, and for normal blood clotting. Finally, it provides mood stability and a good state of health.”

She added, “Fatigue, depression, a weak immune system, weight gain, brittle nails and hair, excessive sweating, muscle weakness, sleep disturbances, rapid fatigue, and mood swings are all signs that indicate a lack of vitamin D in the body.”

She continued by saying that the body gets vitamin D with the foods and supplements that a person eats. The body also produces it when exposed to sunlight, as 15-30 minutes are sufficient to produce the body’s daily need of it.

And she concluded, “The most important sources of vitamin D are dairy products, mushrooms, fatty fish, and egg yolks. When you need to compensate for its deficiency, you must first of all consult a doctor who determines the appropriate dose of it.”

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