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Signs of Overexertion in Exercise: Red Face & Mouth-Nose Triangle

Some people’s faces immediately become colored when they exercise. The more strenuous the training, the redder your head becomes. But there’s another sign that you’re going too far in your workout.

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When you exercise you usually work up a sweat. Heavy breathing, a sweaty T-shirt and a red head are completely normal.

Nevertheless, it is important that you know your personal physical limits. That’s why you should pay particular attention to your body when exercising.

There is a sign that indicates too much exertion, but not many people know about it.

How to recognize overexertion during exercise

A sign that indicates overexertion is the so-called “mouth-nose triangle”.

If the area around your mouth and nose turns light in color, this is a clear sign of overexertion during exercise. If this is the case, your body is overheating or overloaded.

To avoid this, it is best to do sports with a partner. This way you can look out for each other and warn each other in good time about overexertion.

That’s why your head turns red when you exercise

Basically, a red head just means that the head has a good blood supply. When you exercise, your body produces extra heat. The exertion activates the blood vessels and blood circulation. Additionally, exercise can lead to a temporary increase in blood pressure.

The small blood vessels on the surface of the skin on the face expand and the face becomes red. By sweating, the body tries to regulate its own body temperature.

Red face disappears again

The redness on the face after exercise is only temporary and will disappear again. In most cases, it is a sign that the body is responding appropriately to the demands of training.

If you wash your face with cold water after exercise, your skin color should quickly normalize again.

Some people blush more easily

The intensity of redness on the face during exercise can vary from person to person and depends on various factors. For example, people with fair skin tend to show more redness than people with darker skin.

But blood flow can also vary from person to person. Genetic predisposition also plays a role in the skin’s reaction to physical activity. Some people are more likely to blush more during exercise than others due to their genetic makeup. Factors such as fitness level and blood pressure can also affect facial redness.

Important signals: Pay attention to your body when exercising

It is important that you pay attention to yourself and your body’s signals when exercising. A temporary redness on the face is normal and initially harmless.

However, if the redness is accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath or pain, you should be careful and consult a doctor as a precaution.

2024-01-25 06:05:38
#overdoing #exercising #Surprising #Sign

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