CLICK EDUCATION – There are several signs or symptoms of a body full of sugar.
High blood sugar, or diabetes is a common medical condition worldwide.
Although the exact causes of diabetes or diabetes can vary, there are some common signs that can be used to identify it.
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In this article, Click Education will discuss some of the signs to watch out for.
1. Skin that Often Appears Ringworm
Skin that often has problems such as ringworm or fungal infections can be a sign of diabetes.
High blood sugar can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to skin infections.
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2. Blurred Vision
Blurred vision or difficulty focusing is a common symptom of diabetes.
Changes in blood sugar levels can affect the lens of the eye, thus disrupting normal vision.
3. Often feel thirsty and urinate frequently
Excessive thirst and increased frequency of urination can be symptoms of diabetes.
2023-09-02 00:31:00
#DIABETES #BEWARE #thirsty #urinating #check #signs #body #full #sugar #Click #Education #Click #Education