Home » Health » Signs of Diabetes in Infants: Important Symptoms Parents Must Know

Signs of Diabetes in Infants: Important Symptoms Parents Must Know

Signs of diabetes in infants must be aware of all parents. Because, not infrequently the symptoms are often ignored because they are almost the same as ordinary health problems. Photos/Illustrations/Freepik

JAKARTA – Sign diabetes in infants must be known by parents. Even though there are symptoms that are almost the same as adults, it’s just that there are differences that shouldn’t be taken lightly, such as being underweight to diaper rash.

As is known, diabetes usually occurs in adults. However, this disease can also be suffered by infants.

The chance of a baby getting diabetes can increase if one of the parents has a history of diabetes. Therefore, it is important to recognize the signs of diabetes in infants so that it can be detected and treated appropriately.

The type of diabetes that babies commonly suffer from is type 1 diabetes. This type of diabetes occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or does not even produce insulin at all.

Symptoms also usually develop quickly, namely within a period of several weeks. So what are the signs? The following is a review as summarized from various sources.

6 Signs of Diabetes in Babies That Can’t Be Ignored

1. Frequent vomiting

The next sign of diabetes in babies is frequent vomiting for no apparent reason, even for 3-4 days in a row. This condition is caused by an increase in blood sugar levels in the body.

2. Less weight

Diabetic babies tend to be underweight. It is also difficult for her to gain weight even though she is getting enough breast milk or eating a lot. This is the first sign of diabetes in infants that can be recognized.

3. Fatigue

Diabetes can cause a reduced supply of sugar to the body’s cells. In effect, babies with diabetes will appear limp as if they lack energy.

2023-07-22 23:30:01
#Signs #Diabetes #Babies #Parents

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