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Signs of diabetes 2 and ways to control the disease

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that is determined by high blood sugar, and there are many unusual symptoms of type 2 diabetes, perhaps the most common of which is the excretion of large amounts of urine and feeling thirsty, as high blood sugar is caused by not Insulin plays its role in the body, and then the excess sugar is eliminated through the urine, according to the website.express“.

The site added that the symptoms of type 2 diabetes develop gradually, you may get used to feeling thirsty, tired and urinating more than usual, especially at night, without realizing that you have this disease, as the body seeks in every way to get rid of the excess sugar through the urine, but this also harms Because it draws more water into the body, which in turn increases the feeling of thirst more than usual because it suffers from dehydration.

Urination usually results from drinking excessive amounts of fluids, especially liquids that contain caffeine or alcohol, and when the kidneys filter the blood to form urine, they reabsorb all the sugar and return it to the bloodstream. Their sugar is abnormally high, so not all of the sugar can be reabsorbed and the excess sugar from the blood ends up concentrating in the urine, which causes more water to be withdrawn.

How to reduce blood sugar levels

A healthy diet plays an essential role in regulating blood sugar levels, as one study says that there is nothing you cannot eat if you have type 2 diabetes, but you should limit some foods, especially starches, because they turn into blood sugar, while You should eat more fruits, vegetables and some starches, such as pasta.

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