Home » Health » Signs of a Heart Attack That Appear Suddenly: Watch Out for These Deadly Clues

Signs of a Heart Attack That Appear Suddenly: Watch Out for These Deadly Clues

Secretly Deadly, Beware of a Series of Signs of a Heart Attack That Appear Suddenly

JAKARTA – Heart disease can haunt anyone regardless of age and gender. Because now we don’t turn a blind eye, heart disease is also experienced by relatively young people. This disease is often seen as scary because it often comes without warning symptoms first.

Many have often heard that severe chest pain is an indicator of a heart attack, generally accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest. But apart from that, there are also a number of heart problems that are not obvious because they do not trigger chest pain at all.

Quoted from Mirror News UK, here are some signs of heart problems other than chest pain that you need to watch out for:

1. Pain in the stomach
“If you experience severe chest pain even when you are just sitting around doing nothing and you also feel nauseous, it’s time to call an ambulance,” said Professor David Newby from the British Heart Foundation.

According to him, in some cases, the symptoms of heart problems can be similar to digestive disorders. For example, in the form of a burning sensation in the chest or stomach, accompanied by a sensation of choking and tightness in the throat.

2. Discomfort in the jaw, back or stomach
Furthermore, according to Professor Newby, a heart attack can cause pain to spread to other areas such as the jaw or back. In many cases, this pain also spreads to the neck, arms and stomach on one side.

3. Swollen feet and ankles
Professor Newby emphasized that this symptom should not be ignored, especially if the swelling in the ankle looks very large. Swelling in the leg area can be caused by peripheral artery disease which is caused by narrowing of the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart.

4. Feeling dizzy or faint
In some cases, symptoms such as dizziness or fainting can be an indication of a heart attack, or any condition that is wrong with the heart.

“If fainting or other symptoms are a problem, consult a healthcare provider and schedule an appointment with a doctor or cardiologist,” said Dr M Adil U Khan of i Pall Mall Medical.

5. Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath can indicate a serious heart condition. Some conditions that appear with this sign include coronary heart disease, abnormal heart rhythms, or what is more worrying, heart failure. People experiencing these symptoms are advised to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

6. Sweating profusely
Sweating when doing physical activity is certainly nothing to worry about. However, if your body sweats for no apparent reason, especially if it is accompanied by chest pain, you should immediately see a medical professional. Because, this condition can indicate a heart problem.

7. Irregular heartbeat
If you feel your heart is beating very fast and with an erratic tempo, you should immediately consult a doctor. Because, this condition can be a sign of heart problems, as reported by detik.

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2023-10-24 22:42:14
#Secretly #Deadly #Beware #Series #Signs #Heart #Attack #Suddenly

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