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Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Pain, Lump, Swelling, and More

Breast cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast and forms in the breast tissues, usually in ducts or lobules.

Once formed it can spread outside the breast through blood vessels and lymph vessels. It can be asymptomatic. If it becomes symptomatic, it may be at a more advanced stage.

A visit to the doctor is necessary if any of these symptoms appear, which may be signs of breast cancer:

Pain in the breast and nipple

It is important to note that breast pain, localized or general, is not necessarily a sign of cancer. Breast pain can occur due to hormonal effects. If the pain persists even after the menstrual period, then a visit to the doctor is necessary to determine the cause of the pain.

The appearance of a breast lump (area of ​​thickened tissue in the breast)

This nodule should be palpable, painless with an irregular surface and most often hard with blurred borders. With the help of screening it can be detected before it can be felt.

Swelling in the axial area

The swelling may be due to the cancer spreading to the lymph nodes in that area.

Changes in the size, shape or appearance of a breast

These can be a difference in the size, contour, texture or temperature of the breast.

Clear or bloody discharge from the nipple

Discharge from a nipple in a woman who is not pregnant or breastfeeding can be a sign of cancer or signs of other medical conditions. See your doctor if you have unusual nipple discharge.

Changes in the skin of the breast

These changes include, dimpling, rashes or redness of the nipple or surrounding skin. The skin might look like an orange peel or the texture might be different. This can be caused by other breast conditions. Contact your doctor if you notice changes in the skin on your breast.

An inverted nipple

It can be turned or sunk into the breast. See your doctor if you notice anything different or unusual about one or both nipples.

Schedule a free breast cancer screening test!

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Project “Increasing the institutional capacity and professional skills of specialists in the health system for the purpose of implementing the National Screening Program for breast cancer” Project co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020. Financing contract no. POCU/259/4/9/120799 and implemented by the Oncological Institute “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricută” from Cluj-Napoca.

2023-07-11 06:21:30
#Breast #cancer #detected #time #cured #Breast #cancer #signs #symptoms

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