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Significant Event- The demise of a major character in the “For Death 3” series alters the storyline

The eighth episode of the series “For Death 3” witnessed shocking, dangerous and articulate developments, after Karma (Ward Al-Khal) killed Captain (Ali Mneimneh), the close friend of Sahar and Reem, who helped them escape from Tunisia.

But Karma was on the lookout for them and caught them on the train during their escape. She returned Sahar and Reem to the house in Tunisia, and she killed the “captain” after she played her famous aria on the piano, in order to assure Sahar and Reem that she was serious about her threats and would not tolerate them anymore if they did not implement her decisions.

With this shock, Sahar and Reem decided to hold on to fulfill Karma’s requests, so Sahar returned to “Yamen Al-Hajli” to serve him.

Sahar also asked Reem to get close to “Loay” (Mehyar Khadour) to fall in love with her, because he would be a target in the revenge plan. This conversation took place between Sahar and Reem during the burial of the Captain, where the scene was very moving, especially when Sahar asked Karma to allow her to wash the Captain’s body before burying him.

Sahar had met the captain in the seventh episode, and a touching conversation took place between them, where the captain confessed his love to her, but Sahar replied that if the decision was in her hands, she would not have loved anyone else, but after “Amir” (Badi Abu Shaqra) who died in the second season, it is impossible for her to love him. She asked him to continue their friendship.

We recall that the series “For Death 3” starring Maguy Bou Ghosn, Daniela Rahma, Ward Al-Khal, Yamen Al-Hajli, Mahyar Khadour and a group of Arab drama figures, written by Nadine Jaber, directed by Philip Asmar, and produced by Eagle Films, produced by Jamal Sinan.

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