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Significant Changes and Expansion Expected at Upcoming BRICS Summit

At the upcoming BRICS summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) important changes are expected in Russia this October.

The organization is expanding, to include five new countries- Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Thus, it calls for an increasing multipolarity against the order established by the West. Although the US has already announced that do not see BRICS expansion as a threat.

Argentina officially withdraws from BRICS membership

It is the latest dramatic shift in the foreign and economic policies of the new far-right populist president

At the same time, however, Argentina officially announced in the last days of 2023 that will not join the BRICS bloc of emerging economies.

That was the latest dramatic change in foreign and economic policy of Argentina’s new far-right populist president, Javier Millay.

In a letter addressed to the leaders of alliance members Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, Millay stated that the time is not right for Argentina to join as a full member. The letter was dated before December 22, but was released by the Argentine government on Friday, the last working day of 2023.

Argentina was among the six countries invited in August to join the bloc and was due to join on 1 January 2024.

US: BRICS expansion not seen as a threat

Nor is it an anti-American coalition

The move came at a time when when Argentina is rocked by a deepening economic crisis.

However, the economic turmoil made many in Argentina impatient for change.

Millais, who defines himself as an “anarcho-capitalist”, implemented a series of measures to deregulate the economy, which in recent decades has been marked by strong state interventionism.

The lame format – the only option before BRICS

Among the current and future members of the format are countries that are in competitive relations or outright rivalry within the regions to which they belong

The latest expansion of BRICS took place in 2010 when South Africa joined and adding a “C” to the acronym – a year after the creation of the block.

2024-01-01 21:14:25
#BRICS #accepts #member #countries

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