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SIGMADOS – Survey favorites PLD candidates in municipal elections

The intention to vote for the municipal elections to be held next 16 of the current month, reflects the victory for the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) and places in a second position of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), according to the findings of the study presented by the survey firm SigmaDos.

The study was announced by its president, Mayjo Gutiérrez, who explained that 41.7% of the citizens intend to vote in the elections for the candidates of the PLD, while 34.5% will do so for the candidates of the PRM.

“When asked which party perceives that it will be the one that wins the most mayors, 41.1% respond that the PLD compared to 35.2% who believes that the PRM will be the winner,” he added.

The sample found that two thirds of the electorate says that it already has the vote decided and that it is difficult to change it; 8.6% have it almost decided, but it can change; and 24.5% are undecided and do not know who to vote in the municipal elections.

Similarly, 64.8% of the voters affirm that they will vote in the May presidential elections for the same party for which they participated in the municipal elections.

The JCE is more credible

The credibility of the Central Electoral Board (JCE), increased to 56.5% of the population, following the results of the automated voting audit, according to the survey.

He said that the confidence generated by the electoral body allows the population to trust that clean and transparent elections will be held.

“After the result of the audit, credibility in the JCE has increased for 56.5% of the population, compared to 41.3% who said no. In a similar proportion, 55.5% are totally or fairly confident that the JCE guarantees the holding of clean and transparent elections; on the contrary, 44.4% have little or no confidence, ”reveals the study.

The survey was conducted on days 4,5 and 6 of this month, and was ordered by businessman Melvin Guerrero.

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