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“Siemens and Bosch Launch Safety Campaign for Gas Cookers: Check Your Model Now!”

Stoves – Technological passion

From an energy point of view it is certainly not a thriving period, given the high energy price that has recently been spreading throughout the entire European continent for a few months now, following the wars that took place in Ukraine.

Despite this, the use of electricity (for our household appliances) is still very high today, beyond the bills which continue to increase. Nowadays, we undoubtedly make very frequent (and sometimes excessive) use of household appliances, which certainly represent one of the items that consume the most energy in our domestic environment, to carry out the most diverse daily activities.

Between an electric oven, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a washing machine, a dryer, a dishwasher and so on and so forth, there are so many devices that we use almost every day to carry out our tasks, from washing our clothes to finally cooking our dishes .

Today, in particular, we will focus on cookers: in particular, two large companies in the sector (going more specifically, respectively Siemens and Bosch) have recently launched a campaign to make certain types of specific gas cookers safe, which had been made between January 2009 and October 2009.

The reasons behind the launch of this campaign would lie respectively in some possibly damaged gas connectors, which could lead to a gas leak that could prove harmful, and even potentially fatal, given the very high risk of explosions inside the domestic dwelling itself.

How to verify your model

Checking the number of your gas cooker model is actually very simple, since you simply need to take note of the product code of your model, i.e. the E-Nr, accompanied in turn by the lot number (indicated by the acronym FD), which is located inside the oven door.

Just enter these aforementioned codes on the website that was specifically created for the security campaign, so as to check if that model responds to this call. In the event that the model corresponds, both the Siemens and Bosch companies recommend closing the gas cock until the correct replacement of the connector has taken place, which in this case (given the underlying structural problem, deriving from a factory defect ) can take place completely free of charge, thanks to the help of a specialized technician.

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Identification code – Technological passion

Obviously both companies have apologized for this unfortunate inconvenience and for any inconvenience they have brought into the homes of thousands and thousands of families, reiterating once again how safety standards are fundamental for them and for their products. made.

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